Tag: Transformation

In a sponsored post on Jewish values by Rabbi David Jaffe and Yehudah Webster, the ongoing practice of justice and equity is highlighted as fundamental in Judaism, emphasizing the Torah's instructions to care for the vulnerable, share resources, and oppose oppression.
At dawn on October 7, 2023, in Sinai, a family enjoys their last day of vacation.
A former Jew-hater reflects on his journey from harboring antisemitism to defending Israel, shedding light on the prevalence of Jew-hatred in certain communities and its transformation through education and self-reflection.
Despite past challenges with antisemitism within the Labour Party, the writer expresses relief and pride in the progress made under Keir Starmer's leadership, leading to a more inclusive environment for Jewish members and a zero-tolerance approach to antisemitism.
The article discusses the transformative power of theater, particularly focusing on the impact of New York City's Public Theatre and the couple behind its creation, Joe Papp and Gail Merrifield Papp.
This text discusses the Warner Brothers, a group of Jewish immigrant brothers who founded a successful movie studio in America.
The article discusses the cultural shift in America from the release of the film "My Dinner with Andre" in 1981 to the present day where events like Kanye West having dinner with a Holocaust denier have become shocking and confusing for American Jews.
The author discusses their tradition of bringing books to synagogue during the High Holidays to distract themselves during the long services.
Rabbi Beryl Gershenfeld, a leader in Jewish outreach, discusses what the Jewish world can learn from Jewish outreach and how to engage in meaningful growth.
This podcast episode discusses the relationship between Torah study and the individual.
Canadian indie singer Bif Naked shares a candid spiritual journey of self-discovery and resilience, moving past life's challenges towards new opportunities.
The text discusses the evolution of Daf Yomi Siyumim over the past 30 years, highlighting significant changes in scale and cultural elements.
The text explores the cultural significance of bangles among Syrian Jewish women, detailing their history as gifts symbolizing marriage commitment and personal autonomy.
The article explores the evolution of Moses from a reluctant and hesitant figure to the leader of the Jewish People.
The kibbutz, once viewed as a successful utopian experiment in Israel, has undergone significant changes over the years, with many kibbutzim privatizing and facing disillusionment.
A woman who used to celebrate Rosh Hashanah in an Orthodox synagogue reflects on her changing observance of the holiday as she embarks on a physically challenging hike through Zion National Park with her husband.