Tag: Trauma

"Displaced Persons" by Joan Leegant is a collection of poignant stories focusing on characters struggling with afflictions, trauma, and a search for stability and renewal.
The Nova Music Festival Exhibition in New York offers a detailed and immersive experience re-creating the tragic events of the festival in Israel when it was attacked by Hamas on October 7th.
The author reflects on the experience of mourning a miscarriage alongside the celebration of Shavuot, drawing parallels between the loss of their unborn child and the miscarriage of the first tablets at Mount Sinai.
Roxanne de Bastion, a singer-songwriter, was inspired by her Hungarian-Jewish grandfather Stephen's survival story during the Holocaust, which led her to write a book and release an album of his compositions.
The author reflects on their experiences of feeling like an outsider from childhood through adulthood, particularly in Hollywood due to their outspoken support for Israel.
The Nova Music Festival Exhibit in Lower Manhattan commemorates the tragic event on October 7 where over 360 people were murdered during a music festival in Israel.
Music has a profound impact on healing and self-expression, especially for individuals navigating trauma or difficult experiences.
Ted Comet, a revered figure in the Jewish community, turns 100 and is celebrated for his significant contributions over 75 years to Jewish communal organizations and events.
Yom HaShoah serves as a time for the Jewish community to unite in remembrance of the Holocaust's victims and the ongoing fight against antisemitism.
The letter addresses children who are estranged from their parents, emphasizing the deep hurt and complexities of these relationships.
Israeli-American comedian Modi Rosenfeld, known as Modi, has released a stand-up comedy special titled "Know Your Audience," reflecting his mission to help the Jewish community laugh again amidst trauma, including antisemitism.
The essay discusses the convergence of political and emotional turmoil experienced in the context of Israel, the Palestinians, and the Jewish community, particularly highlighted through a controversy involving an article critical of Israel in a leftist literary journal.
The article discusses the "Traumatized Israel Trope," where critics condemn Israel for alleged callousness and insensitivity in its military operations in Gaza, suggesting that Israelis have become desensitized to the suffering of Gazans.
Former IDF combat soldier Elazar Weiss reflects on his personal journey from believing in Israel's just cause to empathizing with Palestinians and recognizing the shared trauma between the two peoples.
Purim celebrations in Israel and worldwide were influenced by ongoing war and the captivity of Israeli soldiers in Gaza.
Jewish Family Service (JFS), established in 1892 to assist Jewish immigrants, now supports refugees and immigrants from various backgrounds, including Israelis facing challenges and anti-Semitism.
The evolution of Holocaust literature spans three generations, from survivors (1G) to their children (2G) and now their grandchildren (3G).
During the October 7 attacks by Hamas, 253 civilians and IDF soldiers were abducted, with 112 hostages freed since then.
The mental health crisis in Israel following the Oct. 7 massacre by Hamas at the Nova music festival has led to a surge in PTSD, anxiety, and depression among Israelis, even those indirectly impacted.
Israeli soldier Ori Megidish's rescue by the IDF from captivity in Gaza highlighted the role of emunah, or faith, in facing challenges, as her mother engaged in prayer and mitzvot for her safe return.
The Israeli non-profit organization Sahar has been providing mental health support for over 20 years, now crucial due to the recent trauma from the Hamas attack.
The text, addressed to abuse survivors, conveys a message of hope and healing.
The author reflects on the ongoing conflict in Israel and the importance of Diaspora Jews taking action to support Israelis.
In response to the trauma experienced by over 150 Israeli journalists and support professionals who covered the October 7 attacks where hundreds were killed, an emergency fund provided grants for psychological support.
Israeli reservists who have returned home after serving in Gaza are facing challenges as they transition back into civilian life.