Tag: Trauma

Since October 7th, Israel has undergone significant changes that have shifted the country's political landscape.
In this heartfelt essay, the author reflects on the impact of the ongoing war on her community and her personal experiences.
Jonathan Huppert, a Professor of Psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, explores the mental health implications following the October 7th attack in Israel, a society marked by trauma.
The author reflects on their novel, "The Holocaust Kid," which explores the perspective of being the child of Holocaust survivors.
Abeer Ayyoub, a Palestinian journalist who now lives in Istanbul, is seeking help for her sister, Yasmine, who wants to leave Gaza.
In this Shiur, the speakers discuss various aspects of dealing with traumatic times, particularly related to the current war, captives, and antisemitism.
The author, Rabbi Seth Mandell, shares his personal experience of losing his 13-year-old son in a terror attack and discusses the long-term process of grief and healing.
The article discusses the emotional toll of experiencing ongoing conflict in Israel and Gaza.
A new exhibit in Tel Aviv has recreated the site of the Nova music festival massacre, which took place on October 7, 2022.
The New York Times published a report detailing a campaign of coordinated sexual violence by Hamas during the October 7 attacks in Israel.
In the aftermath of the Nova Music Festival massacre, survivors have gathered in a makeshift tent called Adama Tova to heal and support one another.
Sherri Mandell, the mother of a 13-year-old boy who was murdered by terrorists in Israel, reflects on the release of videos documenting a recent massacre and the impact of graphic violent imagery.
The article discusses the impact of trauma on children during war in Israel.
Teachers in Israel are facing immense challenges in providing stability and support for their students amidst ongoing rocket attacks.
This article reflects on the emotional and devastating three weeks following the Simchas Torah massacre in Israel, during which the IDF bombed Gaza and a ground invasion began.
In Israel, there is an ongoing discussion about the expected release of Israeli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza.
In the discussion between Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi, they delve into the concept of resilience in the face of loss, particularly focusing on how soldiers cope with trauma from combat in Gaza and the emotional impact of attending funerals for fallen soldiers in Israel.
In this personal reflection, the author discusses the crisis of faith brought on by tragic events in Israel.
This text describes the author's experience during a war in Israel.
The recent attacks in Israel have left Jews worldwide feeling a sense of insecurity and fear.
This Shiur (lesson) discusses various halachic (Jewish legal) issues related to warfare, including the concept of collateral damage when bombing Gaza, whether a Jewish doctor can refuse to treat an injured terrorist, the permissibility of the death sentence for terrorists according to halacha, and the ethics of prisoner swaps.
The text reflects on responding to tragedies, referencing Noah from the Torah story and discussing the normal emotions triggered by trauma, suggesting the importance of containing and processing these feelings wisely.
The podcast discusses the balance between acknowledging trauma and toughening up in the face of conflict, specifically referencing the impact of war, such as the recent events involving Hamas.
This article discusses the connection between Kabbalah, a school of thought in Jewish mysticism, and mental health.
According to Future of Jewish, Jews have historically dominated the field of comedy, with Time Magazine estimating in 1978 that 80% of all comedians were Jewish.