Tag: Uk

The recent Iranian attack on Israel has brought to light the broader strategic aim of Iran's leadership rooted in Mahdism ideology, aiming to establish a global caliphate by eliminating obstacles like Israel.
Linda Gradstein and Noah Efron discuss the recent missile and drone attack on Israel, reflecting on its implications for the past and future with the support of allies like the US, UK, and Jordan.
Amid calls to suspend arms sales to Israel following recent events, such as the October 7 atrocities, concerns have been raised about the practical implications and potential harm it could cause to the UK.
The Antisemitism Project newsletter discusses the rise of antisemitism in the UK, particularly in London, following events like the Hamas attack on Israel and the war in Gaza.
The election for the presidency of the Board of Deputies is approaching, with the main challenge being the organization's relevance in the modern Jewish community.
The text discusses the looming fear of terrorism striking again, particularly in the UK, emphasizing the difficulty in predicting and preventing such attacks.
Jewish schools in the UK benefit from substantial government funding, leading to high attendance rates among Jewish children.
The rise in antisemitism in the UK since October 7 is concerning, with implicit anti-Jewish attitudes being as damaging as explicit acts of hate.
A UK survey found that religiously affiliated individuals are happier, more optimistic, and feel more confident in dealing with life's challenges compared to atheists.
The Institute for Jewish Policy Research predicts a significant rise in Jewish school enrollment in the UK, reaching 40,000 pupils by 2025, with a substantial increase attributed to the growth of the Charedi population.
The Israeli high court decision recognizing reform and conservative conversions prompts discussion on Jewish identity.
The Israeli left is facing a significant decline, with only 13% of Israeli Jews identifying as leftists.