Tag: War Of Independence

Despite facing current challenges such as ongoing wars, global animosity towards Israel, and hostages still in captivity, the significance of celebrating Yom HaAtzmaut, Israel's Independence Day, is highlighted through a historical lens.
The text discusses the emotional and historical significance of the Israeli slogan "Ein Li Eretz Acheret, I have no other country," highlighting the fact that for many Jews, Israel is their only homeland due to historical persecutions and lack of acceptance in other countries.
The article reflects on the enduring strength and hope of the Jewish people in the face of historical and recent tragedies, drawing on personal stories of survival and faith.
The text discusses the importance of listening to history as a way to understand and protect the Jewish people.
A non-profit organization called Latet Panim Lanoflim, or Giving a Face to the Fallen, is dedicated to filling in the details of the lives of over 1,000 unknown soldiers who died during Israel's War of Independence.
Irving Matlow, a 96-year-old member of Toronto's Jewish community, is making Aliyah to Israel, joining 45,000 new immigrants, including over 720 since Hamas attacks in 2023.
The recent attack by Hamas on Israel, resulting in a death toll of 700 soldiers and civilians, has led some to describe it as the bloodiest day for Jews since the Holocaust.
This compilation of rabbinic views and perspectives on the birth of the Jewish State provides insight into the diverse opinions within the Jewish community.
The author reflects on their grandfather's unconditional love for Israel, despite the hardships he faced after immigrating from Casablanca.
The author asserts that the State of Israel is a miraculous phenomenon.
Joseph "Jerry" Gross, a 96-year-old war veteran from Montreal, recently passed away, having served with the 52nd Battalion of the Givati Brigade during Israel's War of Independence in 1948.
The article discusses the city of Lod in Israel, specifically the neighborhood of Ramat Eshkol, which experienced riots in May 2021.
Vintage Israeli-made Rosh Hashanah cards offer a unique perspective on Israeli history and the changing trends and events of the time.
"Hill 24 Doesn't Answer" is a landmark Israeli film about the country's War of Independence.
The article talks about the decline of the city of Tiberias in Israel, highlighting its once vibrant past as a resort town and center of Jewish life and learning.
Tom Segev's biography of David Ben-Gurion challenges the perception of the Israeli leader as a miraculous figure during the country's War of Independence, emphasizing the high cost paid for the establishment of the state.
In "A Deadly Legacy: German Jews and the Great War," Tim Grady explores the complex role of German Jews during World War I. Highlighting how more than 12,000 German Jews died in the war, Grady discusses the Judenzhlung (Jew count) conducted by the German army in 1916, the patriotism of German Jews at the war's outset, and their involvement in supporting aspects of German militarism and wartime atrocities.
Uri Avnery, a prominent figure in Israel's peace camp, passed away at 94.
Dr. Danna Piroyansky's book "Ramle Remade: The Israelization of an Arab Town 1948-1967" explores the transformation of the Arab town of Ramle into a mixed city following the 1948 War of Independence, when Jewish immigrants populated the previously Arab Palestinian town.
The text explores the notion of late-night wake-up calls for political leaders, specifically contrasting the American 3 a.m. phone call standard with the more frequent occurrences for Israeli prime ministers, highlighting historical instances of such wake-up calls for leaders like David Ben-Gurion during key moments in Israel's history, from the War of Independence to the Yom Kippur War.
"Above and Beyond" is a documentary produced by Nancy Spielberg and directed by Roberta Grossman, focusing on the untold story of foreign volunteers who came to the aid of the Jewish state during its War of Independence in 1948.
Dr. Michael Satlow, a religious studies professor at Brown University, explains the historical processes that led to the Bible becoming regarded as a holy and sacred text.
Independence Hall in Tel Aviv holds historical significance as the site where Israel's Declaration of Independence was announced on May 14, 1948, marking the birth of the modern State of Israel.
During Israel's War of Independence, the construction of the Burma Road provided a crucial bypass to Jerusalem through the mountains, allowing Jewish soldiers to avoid attacks on the main road.
The text explores the historical relationship between the kibbutz movement and the State of Israel, detailing the challenges faced by the kibbutzim since the country's independence in 1948.