Tag: Yahrzeit

In "Life, Loss and Legacy: A Mother-Daughter Love Story" by Lisa Lang, the author reflects on the impact of her mother's passing, her desire for children, and her journey of self-discovery.
Tablet has a collection of stories about death and mourning, exploring Jewish rituals and personal experiences of loss.
The article discusses a couple's decision to let go of their frozen embryos due to fears of losing reproductive rights amidst legal changes affecting abortion and reproductive care, particularly in the context of the Alabama Supreme Court's ruling on embryo status.
The Santa Fe Jewish Cemetery has come up with a creative solution for Jews who are unable to visit the gravesites of their loved ones due to distance or mobility.
This collection of poems by Linda Pastan, published in Moment Magazine between 1975 and 2015, covers a range of themes and topics.
The View co-host Whoopi Goldberg recently made a controversial statement, claiming that the Holocaust is not about race.
In this episode, the discussion revolves around the classification of suicide according to Jewish law, questioning its permissibility in certain circumstances such as that of Adam Cherniakow, the head of the Warsaw Judenradt.
This article reflects on Leonard Cohen's Jewish legacy and cautions against co-opting him into a conventional framework of Judaism.
The text reflects on the challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic regarding the recitation of the Kaddish prayer for mourning rituals within the Jewish community.
The author reflects on missing the opportunity to say Kaddish for their father's yahrzeit due to the closure of their synagogue during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Malerie Marder, a renowned artist, reflects on her late father, Dr. Victor Marder, a prominent physician, during a poignant moment with a friend in Los Angeles.
Beverly Siegel reflects on the 10th anniversary of her husband Gary's death and the journey of love, loss, and finding a new partner, Howard.
The text discusses the legacy of Professor Nehama Leibowitz on the twentieth anniversary of her passing and reflects on her influence on Jewish scholarship, particularly in Tanakh study.
Richard Eisenberg, a Jewish veteran haunted by memories of the Vietnam War, found solace in honoring a military chaplain, Rabbi Meir Engel, with Kaddish every December for over 50 years.
Tens of thousands of visitors gathered at Montefiore Cemetery in Queens to mark the 20th yahrzeit of Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe.
The author recalls the tragic suicide of their mother on Mother's Day in 1972, and the subsequent emotional journey of avoidance and self-reliance that followed, causing them to suppress their grief for decades.
The author reflects on the challenge of finding a place to honor their late mother, who passed away after a battle with cancer.