Tag: Yom Tov

The text discusses various topics from different issues of "Inbox."
The writer reflects on how mothers often prioritize everything else over their own health, leading to neglect of important checkups.
This text features a collection of brief culinary and lifestyle tips shared by different individuals.
The text discusses the concept of flags in the Jewish tradition, drawing from sources in the Torah and Midrash.
The article "Putting the Pace in Pesach" discusses the spiritual aspects of eating during Pesach, emphasizing how meals can be elevated to serve Hashem.
The article discusses how to elevate the experience of eating during Pesach by focusing on pleasure, pacing, and pausing.
A mother is grappling with accommodating her married son and his growing family during Pesach visits when space is tight in her home, leading to a dilemma about guest room priority.
The text reflects on the power and importance of prayer (tefillah) in the face of challenging times, particularly in light of recent tragic events in Eretz Yisrael.
The Dominican Republic offers more than just beautiful beaches, with a rich history dating back to Christopher Columbus's first landing in 1492 and a diverse landscape including the highest peak and lowest point in the Caribbean.
The article discusses various scenarios related to the laws of borer (selecting and separating) on Shabbat.
The first article discusses the importance of charitable giving within the Jewish community, highlighting the support and donations that leaders of different organizations provide to one another.
Shemini Atzeret, a festival often overshadowed by Simchat Torah, is described as a paradox, lacking specific customs but providing a creative opportunity for personal celebration.
The author questions the practice of Jewish pilgrimages to the Ukrainian village of Uman during the holiest time of the year, arguing that it detracts from the main focus of repentance and prayer to God.
The article discusses the question of why Hanukkah is an eight-day holiday, even outside of Israel where most other holidays have an additional day added.
Five years ago, the author and their siblings were grieving the recent loss of their mother and were not emotionally ready to celebrate Simchas Torah, a holiday of joy and dance.
The author describes the Jewish tradition of hospitality, particularly the practice of inviting guests into one's home for Shabbat or yom tov meals.
This article discusses the tradition of hospitality in Jewish culture, particularly the custom of bringing gifts when invited to someone's home.
The gabbais klap is a traditional practice in Jewish synagogues, where the gabbai, or synagogue official, slams his hand on the bimah to remind the congregation to say specific prayers or make additions during the Amidah prayer.
The author discusses the issue of liturgical repetition in Jewish prayer services.
The author shares a personal story of spending Sukkot and Simchat Torah with their mother in Buffalo in 2006.
The article discusses the controversy surrounding Zoom Seders during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly focusing on the debates in Israeli and American Jewish communities.
The discussion surrounding the use of electricity on Shabbat and Yom Tov, particularly related to the views of the Hazon Ish, Rabbi Avraham Yeshaya Karelitz, is brought to light by a recent psak regarding video-conferencing during holidays due to the pandemic.
In the essay "Song of the Sea: Making a Space for Joy and Sorrow" by Zach Truboff, the author reflects on his personal experience of loss and grief after his twins were diagnosed with a rare disease and passed away.
Shavuot is a Jewish holiday commemorating the giving of the Torah to the Israelites, marked by eating dairy products, staying up to study, and maintaining festive traditions.