
Orthodox Jewish student Reuvi Scheinerman was removed from an American Airlines flight along with another Orthodox passenger, Yehudah Roffman, who had expressed safety concerns about the aircraft.
The explosion of interest in Jewish life in America, triggered by recent events like the 10/7 attacks against Israel, has led to a significant increase in Jewish belonging and communal participation as evidenced by The Surge, a group comprising 40% of previously less engaged Jews who are now actively participating in Jewish life.
A study by Robert Brym, a sociology professor at the University of Toronto, indicates that most non-Jewish Canadians have positive feelings towards Jews, despite reports of record-high antisemitism incidents.
Future of Jewish, a digital publication, aims to provide insight and education on Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world.
Eugene Korn's book, "Israel and the Nations," explores Jewish-Gentile relations and the evolving theological perspectives on engaging with non-Jewish faiths, particularly Christianity.
Over 400 Jewish students at Columbia University have signed an open letter defending their support for Israel and expressing concerns about harassment they faced during pro-Palestinian protests on campus.
Jewish parents of college students are facing unprecedented challenges, including conflicts around Jewish identity, antisemitism, and Zionism on campus.
In a congressional hearing, leaders of K-12 school systems in New York City, Berkeley, and Maryland were questioned about their responses to antisemitism in schools.
Jewish students from various campuses are rejecting claims that student encampments for Gaza are antisemitic or pose a threat to Jewish safety.
President Biden's stance on Israel is the subject of both praise and criticism from within the Jewish community, with disagreement over military actions in Gaza.
Police in Washington, D.C. cleared a pro-Palestinian encampment from George Washington University, arresting 33 people before a Congressional hearing that was cancelled afterward.
Amidst recent protests at Columbia University and rising antisemitism, the importance of Jewish identity and pride is highlighted.
President Biden addressed the rise of antisemitism in America, describing it as "ferocious" during a speech at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, highlighting ongoing concerns within the Jewish community.
Orthodox TikTok influencer Miriam Ezagui, known for sharing Jewish observances and family stories, recently visited Auschwitz on a March of the Living tour.
The author describes their self-diagnosed condition of Social Antisemitism Tourettes (SAT), where they constantly feel the urge to speak out about various anxieties related to being Jewish, such as increasing violence towards Jews, media bias, and Holocaust denial.
The text discusses the rise of anti-Semitic sentiments within British universities, with Jewish students facing bullying, discrimination, and pressure to hide their identities and opinions.
The text delves into the complexities and dangers of the pro-Gaza movement, highlighting the presence of far-left and Islamist leaders who may seek violent conflict.
University of Michigan graduate Benny Shaevsky confronted pro-Hamas activists at his campus by removing an illegal poster criticizing Israel.
The House Republicans are expanding their antisemitism hearings to include public schools, with a focus on New York City's school system led by Chancellor David Banks.
A swastika armband found at Ignacios Tailor on the Upper East Side sparked outrage when it was discovered sewn onto a shirt.
The article describes a parent's concern over recent pro-Palestinian protests and antisemitic sentiments on college campuses, particularly highlighted during campus visits with their son who is preparing for college.
Pro-Palestinian protesters at MIT retook an encampment following disputes about divestment from Israel.
The text describes a Jewish mother's concerns about the anti-Israel sentiment on her son's campus at Northwestern University, where pro-Palestinian protesters have been vocal.
The author reflects on the changing landscape for American Jewish students at Brown University, highlighting a shift from the traditional American Jewish dream of education, career, and community support to one clouded by anti-Israel sentiment on college campuses.
The Robert Kraft Foundation to Combat Antisemitism will air a 30-second ad during NBA playoff games condemning antisemitism at recent campus protests, displaying images of hate alongside peaceful protest visuals.

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