
"The Prophet's Wife" is a review of Milton Steinberg's works, particularly focusing on his novel "As a Driven Leaf" and his unfinished manuscript "The Prophet's Wife."
Photographing the Jewish Nation: Pictures from S. An-sky's Ethnographic Expeditions delves into Solomon Iudovin's photographs documenting traditional Jewish life at the request of S. An-sky, a Jewish journalist and revolutionary.
"Life is with People" is a significant portrayal of Eastern European Jewish life that nostalgically captures the essence of shtetl culture in a buoyant and accessible manner.
The text discusses a legend involving Rashi (Rabbi Solomon ben Isaac of Troyes) and Godfrey of Bouillon, a leader of the First Crusade.
The article examines the recognition of prominent Jewish figures through street names in Israel, particularly focusing on Moses Mendelssohn.
In "Capitalism and the Jews" by Jerry Z. Muller, the complex relationship between capitalism and Jewish identity is explored.
The autobiography of Rabbi Jacob Emden, a sage and heresy-hunter in the 18th century, is highlighted in this text.
Christopher R. Browning's book "Remembering Survival: Inside a Nazi Slave-Labor Camp" examines survivor testimonies from a Polish town's slave labor camps during the Holocaust.
The text explores the Old-New Debate surrounding Theodor Herzl, the Founding Father of Israel, and his relationship with Ahad Haam, a Jewish intellectual and critic.
The author reflects on the complex relationship with their uncle in Havana, a communist who stayed behind in Cuba after their family fled in 1962.
In "Our Abraham, Not Theirs," Jon Levenson argues against the idea of Abraham as a unifying figure across Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
"Gangster Squad" features Sean Penn as Meyer Mickey Cohen, a Jewish mobster from the mid-20th century known for his criminal activities in Chicago, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles.
The article discusses the life and work of Ed Lacy, a successful mystery writer known for his pulp fiction novels featuring big-breasted blondes and violent confrontations.
Jewish songwriters have been highly influential in shaping the American Christmas music canon, with hits like "White Christmas" by Irving Berlin and "The Christmas Song" by Mel Torm and Bob Wells.
General Ulysses S. Grant issued an order to expel Jews from areas under his command during the Civil War as he believed it would curb illegal trading, although many non-Jews were also involved in such activities.
In Poland, there is a growing interest in Jewish heritage and a revival of Jewish identity, with people rediscovering their hidden Jewish roots and converting back to Judaism.
"Lincoln," a movie directed by Steven Spielberg and written by Tony Kushner, portrays Abraham Lincoln as the ultimate mensch - a skilled psychologist, interpreter of dreams, and clever legal mind.
Israeli writer Etgar Keret recounts his upcoming journey to Warsaw to visit a narrow home being built for him, symbolizing his family's connection to the city.
Oscar Rabine, a prominent ex-Soviet artist, gained international attention for organizing the Bulldozer exhibition in 1974, where undercover police destroyed artworks by 40 artists.
The article discusses the unique and sometimes comical effects that occur when translating the Christian New Testament into Yiddish.
Eric Hobsbawm, a prominent historian, was born in 1917 and was known for his strong commitment to communism, which significantly influenced his views on Judaism and Jewish history.
Herman Melville, known for his novel Moby-Dick, faced disappointment and financial struggles in the aftermath of its poor reception.
The article discusses a resurgence of the old Jewish left in New York theater productions, focusing on works by Tony Kushner, Amy Herzog, and Dan Fishback.
After the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash, Jewish Sages established customs to remember Jerusalem and the Temple to ensure that joy would be incomplete without their presence.
Boris Groys, in his book "Introduction to Antiphilosophy," discusses a modern trend in philosophy called antiphilosophy, which focuses on the everyday concerns of people rather than abstract ideas.

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