
Larry Blumberg initiated a unique plan to attract Jewish families to Dothan, Alabama, by offering $50,000 in relocation assistance and encouraging them to stay for at least five years to revitalize the local Jewish community centered around Temple Emanu-El.
Steve Calechman, a Boston-raised sports fan, shares his unique story of being a devout Detroit team supporter due to his father's admiration for Jewish sports legend Hank Greenberg who played for the Detroit Tigers in the 1930s and 1940s.
The event marking the 40th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War brought together Major General (ret.) Eli Zeira and Major General (ret.) Zvi Zamir, key figures from the war.
On the 40th Anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, a debate arises over the actions of Israel's top spymasters regarding the conflict.
Israel Gutman, a Holocaust survivor and scholar, played a pivotal role in Holocaust research and commemoration.
A property dispute over a valuable library of religious books owned by the Lubavitcher Rebbe has led to tensions between Russian officials and Chabad representatives in the United States.
In 1663 London, during Simchat Torah, renowned diarist Samuel Pepys unexpectedly entered Congregation Shaar Hashamayim, a Spanish & Portuguese synagogue, and recorded his experience.
"Auto-da-F" by Elias Canetti is a novel depicting the downfall of a sheltered intellectual who marries his cruel and uneducated housekeeper, leading to the destruction of his life and cherished library.
After Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, the Beth Israel congregation faced immense challenges with their synagogue heavily damaged.
A young individual finds a job teaching Jewish history through drama at a temple's Sunday school despite having little experience.
Rabbi Simcha Zissel Ziv, a student of Rabbi Israel Lipkin Salanter, founded the Talmud Torah of Kelm, a unique yeshiva blending tradition with elements of the Haskalah movement in Lithuania.
Jerry Siegel, a young aspiring writer from Cleveland, was the creative mind behind Superman, inspired by a series of experiences and collaborations with his friend Joe Shuster.
Jonathan Sperber's biography of Karl Marx portrays him as a figure of the 19th century, highlighting his bourgeois origins, lifestyle, and approach to revolution.
The release of the final set of Nixon tapes by the Nixon Presidential Library continues to reveal the extent of President Nixon's anti-Jewish sentiment, with recordings showing his negative and inflammatory remarks about Jews and African Americans.
The Leo Frank story, revolving around the trial, conviction, and lynching of Leo Frank in 1915, is seen as a pivotal moment in American Jewish history, sparking unity in the face of anti-Semitism.
This article highlights three exceptional Jewish biographies suitable for readers of all ages.
The legend of two brothers expressing mutual devotion through sharing is a popular but unfounded story in Jewish tradition.
Reza Aslan's book "Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth" presents Jesus as a nationalist zealot aspiring to depose the Roman governor of Palestine, deviating from the spiritual figure in the New Testament.
Yemen, known today as a haven for al-Qaida, was once ruled by Jewish kings of the Himyarite dynasty for over 150 years, profoundly impacting Arabian history.
Leonard Garment, a key figure during the Watergate scandal, passed away at 89.
Elijah Schulman, a young bar mitzvah boy from Bethesda, MD, is planning to hold his bar mitzvah at a struggling synagogue, Mishkan Israel, in Selma, Ala., as a way to help the synagogue in need.
The text explores the life and experiences of a Jewish family involved in the market trade in northern England during the mid-20th century.
While the rabbinic tradition often attributes the destruction of the Second Beit Hamikdash to sinat chinam (gratuitous hatred), various sources have identified additional causes for this tragic event.
Since the early 1900s, the concept of Jewish identity among diverse communities in Africa and the Americas has expanded significantly, with groups like Ethiopian Jews and the Abayudaya of Uganda gaining attention.
"The Million that Changed the Middle East: The Soviet Aliyah to Israel" by Lili Galili and Roman Bronfman Matar explores the significant impact of the Soviet aliyah to Israel in the late 20th century.

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