
The 2012 election cycle, featuring Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, was outlined as one of the most Jewish elections in American history due to Jewish involvement in various political aspects.
After World War II, efforts were made to recover Jewish books stolen by Nazis, including those belonging to the Stoliner Hasidim community.
The 10th of Tevet commemorates the beginning of the siege of Jerusalem by King Nebuchadnezzar, leading to the eventual destruction of the First Temple and the Babylonian exile.
During the 1970s, American Jewish activists successfully pressured Congress to pass the Jackson-Vanik amendment, linking trade with the Soviet Union to the emigration rights of Russian Jews, thereby influencing American foreign policy and emphasizing human rights over national sovereignty.
The text highlights nine books published in 2011 recommended for various individuals on your gift list: from Philip Schultz's memoir for parents of kids with learning disabilities to Rebecca Alperts' history for sports fans interested in the role of Jews in baseball.
The text provides a list of recommended children's books for different age groups, ranging from picture books for very young readers introducing Yiddish words and Shabbat themes to chapter books for middle-grade and young adult readers dealing with diverse Jewish protagonists and historical events.
Vasily Grossman's work, especially his 900-page novel "Life and Fate," remains relevant due to its significance as both literature and a historical account of Stalinist Russia.
The Radical Camera: New York’s Photo League, 1936-1951, showcased at the Jewish Museum, explores the complex relationship between photography, art, and social activism.
Computer scientists at Tel Aviv University are utilizing artificial intelligence to reconstruct over 1,000 documents from the vast Cairo Genizah collection, which contains 350,000 fragments illuminating 1,000 years of Jewish history and culture.
In the 1930s, Hank Greenberg made waves in baseball as a Jewish athlete, breaking records and winning the 1935 World Series with the Detroit Tigers, showcasing Jews' ability to excel in American society.
Etgar Keret shares his journey of imagining and visiting his mother's homeland of Poland, where she grew up in Warsaw and survived the Holocaust.
Born in 1886 in Russian-ruled Poland, David Ben-Gurion played a crucial role in the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, facing numerous challenges including the need to build a nation from scratch amidst Arab hostility and international embargoes.
The documentary titled "Back Door Channels" provides a unique and unprecedented look into the 1979 Camp David Peace Accord and Treaty between Egypt and Israel, offering exclusive interviews with key political figures like Jimmy Carter, Henry Kissinger, Menachem Begin, Anwar El-Sadat, and Wolf Blitzer.
Rabbi Rafael Halperin, a unique figure in rabbinical lore who balanced a life of spirituality and strength training, passed away at 87.
On September 11, 2001, Esty and Dovi Scheiner carried on with their planned wedding despite the chaos of the terrorist attacks, creating a moment of joy in a city gripped by fear.
Jorge Semprn, a charismatic Spanish writer who had a deep affinity for Jewish thought and Israel, had a multifaceted life that included working secretly for the Spanish Communist Party as Federico Sanchez in Madrid in the 1950s and early 1960s.
The diaries of the infamous Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele, purchased by an anonymous modern-Orthodox physician from the U.S. Midwest for $245,000, are being considered for a loan to Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial and Museum in Jerusalem.
"One Foot in America" by Yuri Suhl, a recently reissued immigrant novel, portrays the journey of Sol Kenner, an optimistic and determined immigrant navigating his way through 1920s America.
The article discusses the significance and mystery surrounding George Washington's famous letter to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island, where Washington reassures the Jewish community of religious liberties in the young United States.
Former New York City Mayor Ed Koch, known for his influence in American politics, has a history of endorsing and criticizing presidential candidates based on their stance on Israel and other significant issues.
The New York Knicks recently made the NBA playoffs after a long absence, coinciding with the 10th anniversary of an incident involving Charlie Ward making controversial remarks about Jews during a Bible study class.
Jacqueline Osherow's poetry collection "Whitethorn" explores themes of aging, disappointment, Jewish identity, and spirituality.
Today marks the 100th anniversary of the tragic Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, a significant event that claimed the lives of 146 workers, mostly young Jewish women, and played a crucial role in advancing the United States labor movement.
This article explores the complex legacy of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in 1911, where 146 workers, mostly young Jewish and Italian girls, perished.
The text discusses the relationship between the author and Norman Podhoretz, the editor of Commentary magazine, focusing on Podhoretz's controversial views on race, Judaism, and the coverage of the trial of Adolf Eichmann by Hannah Arendt.

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