
A grantmaker from the Samis Foundation visited southern Israel, including Sderot and Beeri, to meet with survivors of terror attacks and witness the aftermath.
Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, is seeking guidance on how to handle posts labeling all Israelis as criminals, especially in the context of alleged war crimes by the Israeli government.
The International Criminal Court (ICC) chief prosecutor Karim Khan applied for an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, alongside Hamas leaders, for alleged violations during the conflict in Gaza.
President Joe Biden assured a Jewish gathering that the U.S. will provide Israel with necessary support to combat Hamas, rejecting claims of genocide against Israel at the International Court of Justice.
Yahya Sinwar, a Hamas leader in Gaza, gained notoriety as a mastermind of attacks against Israel and Jews, but when he was released from an Israeli prison in 2011 as part of a prisoner exchange for Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, he was not considered a threat to Israelis, given that he was in prison for the murder of Palestinians.
The text discusses common misconceptions and historical facts about Israeli history.
Hadassah has launched the global campaign "End The Silence" to bring attention to the weaponization of sexual violence by Hamas, with over 130,000 people and 116 organizations signing a letter to the UN Secretary-General demanding an unbiased investigation.
President Biden has faced challenges trying to influence Israeli policies, particularly regarding Gaza and Netanyahu's government.
Rav Aharon Feldman, a prominent figure in Agudas Yisrael of America, offers a theodicy for the Gaza war in a letter suggesting it was a Divine message due to Israel's perceived godlessness.
The International Criminal Court prosecutor's decision to seek an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant may ultimately backfire by boosting Netanyahu's image and the Israeli government's strength.
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, known for his aggressive foreign policies and support for groups like Hamas, passed away alongside his foreign minister in a helicopter crash.
Aluf Benn, editor-in-chief of Haaretz, discusses the enduring political strength of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the face of criticisms and challenges in Israel.
Jessica Cohen has risen to prominence as the most sought-after Hebrew-to-English translator of contemporary Israeli literature.
The essay "You Might Be Antisemitic: A Handy Guide for the Aspiring Anti-Zionist" explores the blurred line between anti-Zionism and antisemitism, highlighting key warning signs.
Benny Gantz, the leader of Israel's National Unity Party, issued an ultimatum to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, demanding a new war strategy or his resignation, setting the stage for potential government instability and early elections.
Eli Rosenbaum, a former Nazi hunter with extensive experience prosecuting war criminals, challenges the claims of Israel committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.
During a speech at Israels Knesset, Republican congresswoman Elise Stefanik expressed a desire for Gods help in reelecting Donald Trump, drawing contrast to past bipartisan Knesset speeches.
City of London Boys won the Etgar Israel trophy for the second year in a row, narrowly beating Habs Girls by a single point in a contest involving over 80 students from six secondary schools testing their knowledge of Israel.
Former Ambassador Michael Oren discusses the ongoing threat posed by Hezbollah to Israel's northern border and the country as a whole, highlighting the current challenges and opportunities faced by Israel.
Israel, often a target of misinformation and propaganda, faces numerous false claims.
This text criticizes Irus Braverman's claims about Israel's reintroduction of Mesopotamian fallow deer as an act of violent settler colonialism.
Rabbi Ken Spiro provides a breakdown of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, analyzing the connections to Israel and highlighting the prevalence of antisemitism.
Future of Jewish, a digital publication, aims to educate and inspire individuals about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, offering free access to all.
The essay discusses the merger of antisemitism and anti-Zionism, highlighting the historical divide between the two but noting their convergence in contemporary times.
The tragic death of 5 Charedi IDF soldiers in a friendly fire incident has raised questions about the Charedi community's evolving relationship with the IDF and the state of Israel.

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