
"Without Feathers" by Woody Allen (1975) features stories that resemble Saturday Night Live sketches with one-joke concepts like "The Whore of Mensa" that are exploited for numerous one-liners.
Orly Castel-Bloom's novel "Dolly City" presents a shocking and imaginative tale where madness is likened to a ripe orange being sent to Europe in Jaffa crates, encapsulating the fears and aggression of a violent region.
Sir Nicholas Winton, a British hero, saved nearly 700 Czech and Slovak Jewish children before World War II, a story captured in the documentary "Nickys Family."
"Commie Camp" is a documentary showcasing Camp Kinderland, a Jewish socialist summer camp in the Berkshires.
The article discusses the significance of Emil Katz, a Holocaust survivor, whose Kiddush was featured in the opening scene of "Schindler's List".
Avi Binyamin, the owner of the Kippa Man store in Jerusalem, settled out of court with Marvel Comics and Warner Brothers after being accused of selling unlicensed kippahs featuring Superman and Spider-Man images.
In "Jewhooing the Sixties: American Celebrity and Jewish Identity," the author David E. Kaufman examines the intersection of Jewish identity and celebrity through profiles of Sandy Koufax, Lenny Bruce, Bob Dylan, and Barbra Streisand in the 1960s.
As Passover approaches, Hollywood is showing renewed interest in Moses with two potential film projects - Warner Bros.
Jerry Weintraub, in his autobiography, paints a picture of a Bronx kid with chutzpah who made deals with Hollywood icons like Elvis and Sinatra.
"He'arat Shulayim," directed by Joseph Cedar, is an Israeli film focusing on the tensions between father and son professors in the Hebrew University's Talmud department.
"Leap of Faith" is a documentary exploring the journeys of individuals and families converting to Orthodox Judaism, highlighting the sacrifices and challenges they face in embracing a new religious life.
"Srugim" is a unique Israeli show focusing on a group of modern Orthodox singles in Jerusalem, navigating the intersection of their faith with contemporary Israeli life.
The article explores the Jewish background and themes in the classic Rankin and Bass animated Christmas specials like "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" and "The Little Drummer Boy."
"Lincoln," a movie directed by Steven Spielberg and written by Tony Kushner, portrays Abraham Lincoln as the ultimate mensch - a skilled psychologist, interpreter of dreams, and clever legal mind.
Comedian Richard Lewis, known for his role on Curb Your Enthusiasm, is currently touring and unsure about the show's ninth season.
Sarah Lazarovic is a versatile artist who works in film, animation, and illustration.
Judy Blume, renowned for pioneering young adult fiction, shares her perspective on writing from both her adult and childlike self.
Elizabeth Taylor's death prompts reflections on her remarkable life, marked by tumultuous relationships, health challenges, and enduring glamour.
Hedy Lamarr, a famous Hollywood actress, concealed her Jewish background during her lifetime.
Tablet Magazine's recent articles cover the funding challenges facing the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival due to financial shortages, as well as the debate surrounding a contentious documentary on Rachel Corrie, a deceased pro-Palestinian activist.
At a star-studded Purim party in New York attended by 300 guests, including celebrities like Snooki and Mr. Big, shards of falling glass injured at least 10 people when ice broke through a glass atrium at the Sony Building.
Emmy-winning comedy writer Rob Kutner, known for his work on The Daily Show and The Tonight Show, will be the guest advice columnist for The Forward's Bintel Brief in February.
Sacha Baron Cohen's character Borat, a crude but beloved Kazakh persona, is set to star in his own feature film titled "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan."

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