Tag: Benjamin Netanyahu

The text discusses various events and opinions related to the Jewish world, including the UNRWA's actions in Gaza, political stances on the Israel-Hamas conflict, behavior towards Israelis, fact-checking by the BBC, threats against a Jewish actress, legislative actions in Israel, interviews with controversial figures, humanitarian aid issues, and critiques of political decisions.
Yossi Cohen, the former head of Mossad and a potential future prime minister of Israel, discusses intelligence failures leading up to a significant event, his views on responsibility, the Palestinian state, and the possibility of entering politics in an interview.
The debate over a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine continues as Israeli policy experts weigh in on the matter following the recent conflict in Gaza.
The article discusses reimagining Purim traditions in response to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, cautioning against using the holiday's themes of power and revenge to justify violence.
In his book "The End of Israel: Dispatches from a Path to Catastrophe," Bradley Burston criticizes Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for leading Israel towards a destructive path, desiring accusations of genocide, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing to maintain power by presenting himself as the savior against a hostile world.
Six U.S. House Democrats, including Rosa DeLauro, raised concerns about Prime Minister Netanyahu's alleged disregard for Palestinian lives during a recent visit to Israel organized by J Street.
Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and far-right ministers in Haaretz, suggesting their actions led to heightened conflict with Palestinians.
Jon Stewart recently discussed the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on The Daily Show, proposing three plans for peace, including a NATO-type agreement called Middle East Treaty Organization (METO).
President Joe Biden expressed optimism during a visit to New York City that a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas could be finalized within the next week, as negotiations progress towards a pause in the fighting in Gaza.
In this discussion, the challenges of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, particularly the situation in Gaza, are explored.
Israeli authorities are investigating the use of force against anti-government protesters in Tel Aviv, where clashes with police led to arrests and injuries.
The author expresses deep moral uncertainty amidst the ongoing Israel-Gaza war, questioning the conduct and motives of both Israeli leadership and Hamas.
Hamas has been making significant strides toward its war goals, including creating fear and insecurity among Israelis, sabotaging prospects for lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians, fostering a surge in antisemitism worldwide, and isolating Israel on the international stage.
In a concerning development for Israel, a split within the war cabinet, exacerbated by the ongoing tensions in Jerusalem, is outlined.
Former Mossad's head of economic warfare, Udi Levy, suggests that Hamas could have been weakened if Benjamin Netanyahu had authorized targeting its financial sources a decade ago.
Amid calls for immediate elections in Israel, there is a growing rejection of Netanyahu's leadership, though it does not necessarily indicate a shift towards left-wing ideologies.
Rep. Dean Phillips, a Jewish Democratic presidential candidate challenging President Biden, expressed disgust over the loss of life in Gaza, criticizing both Biden and Israeli PM Netanyahu for failing to address the conflict effectively.
Two Israelis were killed and four others wounded in a terror attack at a bus stop in southern Israel, with the perpetrator from east Jerusalem being shot dead by a civilian on the scene.
In a podcast episode titled "The Day After Tomorrow" featuring Samer Sinijlawi and Michael Milshtein, Israeli and Palestinian speakers discuss the current lack of dialogue between their communities.
The author expresses disappointment and disbelief at YIVO's decision to host three webinars on the origins and ideology of Hamas without including Palestinian or Muslim panelists.
In a recent article, the author criticizes U.S. President Joe Biden for expressing frustration with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his military tactics in Gaza.
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which has been providing essential services to Palestinian refugees since 1949, is facing a campaign to abolish it.
This article discusses the differing visions of the endgame of the ongoing conflict in Israel between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his far-right government, and those Israelis who are calling for a diplomatic resolution to the conflict.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has chosen Ofir Akunis, a minister from his Likud party, as the next consul general in New York.
Israel successfully rescued two hostages, Fernando Simon Marman and Louis Har, from southern Gaza.