Tag: Benjamin Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu acknowledged that Israel's military was responsible for a strike that killed seven World Central Kitchen humanitarian aid workers delivering food in Gaza, despite coordination with the army.
The White House has raised concerns after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced plans to shut down Al Jazeera's offices in Israel through a new law passed by the Knesset.
Mark Regev, a close adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, expressed that the current tension between Israel and the U.S. is justifiable to defeat Hamas.
Israel's antisemitism envoy and various Jewish and pro-Israel figures criticized U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley for linking Easter to his condemnation of Israel's actions in Gaza, accusing him of perpetuating a blood libel against Israel.
Senator Jeff Merkley invoked Easter to criticize Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's actions in Gaza, calling for cutting arms shipments to Israel and increasing humanitarian aid.
The discussion revolves around the implications of a potential war between Israel and Hezbollah, seen as a war between Israel and Iran, due to Hezbollah's ties to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.
The ongoing debate in Israel revolves around whether haredi Orthodox Jews should be conscripted into the Israeli army, as they are currently exempted to study Torah.
Yonit and Jonathan explore the strained US-Israel relationship following the US's decision not to use its veto power at the UN Security Council.
The Israeli High Court of Justice has ruled to end the longstanding exemption of Haredi men from the mandatory military draft, sparking uncertainty about the government's response and the implementation of the new policy.
Tensions between the U.S. and Israel have emerged over approaches to dealing with the conflict in Gaza, with the U.S. prioritizing Palestinian civilian safety and pressuring Israel to avoid a major military operation in Rafah, Hamas stronghold.
Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant stressed the vital U.S.-Israeli alliance during his visit to Washington, contrasting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's criticism of the Biden administration's stance on Israel's military actions.
The United Nations Security Council passed a resolution for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, which the US abstained from, causing a rift between the US and Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacted strongly to the United Nations Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, following the US abstention from the vote due to the resolution's failure to condemn Hamas.
A recent Pew Research Center survey indicates that while Israel is facing some challenges in public opinion due to ongoing conflicts and PR struggles, overall, Americans still view Israelis more sympathetically than Palestinians.
Despite recent criticism and PR challenges facing Israel in the US, a Pew Research Center survey suggests that Israel still enjoys more support among Americans than anticipated, with most Americans viewing Israelis more sympathetically than Palestinians.
Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic majority leader, recently criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's handling of the conflict in Gaza, calling for elections in Israel as a way to suggest support for ousting Netanyahu.
The United States abstained from vetoing a U.N. Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, sparking criticism from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacted strongly to the US abstaining from a UN Security Council resolution on a ceasefire in Gaza, blaming the Biden administration for impacting Israel's efforts and hostage release plans while playing into Hamas's hands.
The text discusses the political and cynical elements at play in various international responses to the Israel-Hamas conflict.
The UN ceasefire resolution passed with US abstention signals a shift in US-Israel relations, indicating President Biden's frustration with Netanyahu's stance on Gaza and urging Israel to cooperate.
In a strongly opinionated post discussing the support for Israel from different political factions, the author highlights the contrast between Republicans and Democrats, particularly regarding their views on Prime Minister Netanyahu's actions and Israel's right to self-defense against Hamas.
The United States abstained from a UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict, allowing it to pass.
In a significant shift, the US abstained from a UN resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, a departure from its past vetoes on similar resolutions and sparking intensified tensions between President Biden and Prime Minister Netanyahu.
Russia and China vetoed a U.S.-led UN Security Council resolution that called for a ceasefire in Gaza because they felt it wasn't strong enough and didn't explicitly address Hamas' actions.
This article explores the complex and contentious topic of the biblical mandate to destroy Amalek while examining its modern-day implications in light of Israeli military actions and genocidal accusations.