Tag: Biblical Interpretation

The article discusses the challenge of illustrating the Book of Ruth, focusing not on the plot but on the theme of redemption.
Rabbi Shai Held's new book, "Judaism Is About Love," challenges the common perception of Judaism as focused solely on laws and justice, arguing that love, compassion, and empathy are the core values of Jewish life.
This article explores the complex and contentious topic of the biblical mandate to destroy Amalek while examining its modern-day implications in light of Israeli military actions and genocidal accusations.
Rabbi Menachem Genack's "Gan Shoshanim, vol. 1" offers Torah essays that blend insights from Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik with Brisker-style analysis, presenting a structured exploration of Talmudic topics like prayer, holidays, sacrifices, and purity.
The author presents three questions to ask oneself when listening to a Dvar Torah (a Torah discourse).
The Ishbitz-Radzyn reading of the Joseph narrative focuses on Joseph's character traits and flaws, particularly his trait of self-control and reason, which enables him to rise to prominence in Egypt.
In this article, the author explores the source of Joseph's dreams in the biblical narrative.
In this article, the author explores the concept of dispensationalism in Christian Zionism, which is the belief that the return of Jews to the Holy Land is hastening the apocalypse and the Second Coming of Christ.
The article explores the biblical figure of Terah, the father of Abraham, and his role in the narrative of God's command to Abram to go to the land of Canaan.
The Book of Jonah is best understood by reading it backward, as the moral of the story is revealed in the last two verses.
In her book "Biblical Women Speak: Hearing Their Voices Through New and Ancient Midrash," Rabbi Marla J. Feldman focuses on bringing attention to neglected female characters in the Bible, such as Keturah, Bat Shua, Bilhah, and Noa.
The Biblical Museum of Natural History has opened the Art of the Ark exhibit, showcasing over 100 artistic representations of Noah's Ark from around the world.
In the book "Reading Ruth: Birth, Redemption, and the Way of Israel" by Leon Kass and Hannah Mandelbaum, the authors explore the beloved biblical story of Ruth and its deeper meanings.
The article explores the role of the erev rav (mixed multitude) in the Exodus story and argues that they were essential for the Israelites to succeed and merit the receiving of the Torah.
In this article, the author discusses the concept of hendialys in pre-Shofar acrostic prayer.
The book of Lamentations is a complex text with theological and textual inconsistencies, making it difficult to understand.
In this episode of TanakhCast, the focus is on the theme of sibling conflict in the Bible.
In "Hardware, Software, or Love?", Menachem Kellner explores the concept of chosenness in Judaism and the relationship between truth claims of Judaism and other religions.
The book review discusses the question of how we can know if Orthodox Judaism is true.
The text discusses the challenges faced by Modern Orthodox students in reconciling traditional accounts of biblical events with the methodologies and findings of academic biblical criticism.
The Koren Tanakh MaalotMagerman Edition is a new translation of the Jewish Bible that aims to capture the original text for a broad contemporary audience.
The author discusses whether Jacob should have conquered the land of Canaan upon his return from Haran.
Samuel David Luzzatto, also known as Shadal, was a prominent Italian Jewish scholar in the 19th century.
In their book Reading Ruth: Birth, Redemption, and the Way of Israel, Leon Kass and Hannah Mandelbaum provide a commentary on the biblical book of Ruth.
In this episode of TanakhCast, the discussion revolves around the portrayal of happy endings in the Tanakh.