Tag: Blood Libel

In a series of discussions on anti-Judaism using various texts, the unique characteristics and historical roots of hatred towards Jews were explored.
Israel's antisemitism envoy and various Jewish and pro-Israel figures criticized U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley for linking Easter to his condemnation of Israel's actions in Gaza, accusing him of perpetuating a blood libel against Israel.
Senator Jeff Merkley invoked Easter to criticize Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's actions in Gaza, calling for cutting arms shipments to Israel and increasing humanitarian aid.
University of Pennsylvania's interim president, Larry Jameson, criticized political cartoons by Dwayne Booth, an instructor at the school, for their reprehensible and anti-Semitic content.
The article discusses a false claim made by various news outlets that an Israeli air strike killed at least 500 people at the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza.
The author argues that Elon Musk is the most dangerous antisemite in America due to his engagement with antisemitic rhetoric on social media.
In a light-hearted yet critical take on the Harry Potter universe in light of J.K. Rowling's controversies and Jewish sensitivity, the article suggests humorous Jewish plotlines for a potential Harry Potter reboot.
In 1928, a 4-year-old girl named Barbara Griffiths went missing in Massena, New York, leading to the only blood libel accusation against Jews in American history.
In this article, the author discusses the history of blood libel accusations against Jews and its connection to current conspiracy theories, such as the QAnon movement.
Ukrainian President Zelensky is currently entangled in American politics due to his phone call with President Trump being a focal point of the ongoing impeachment inquiry.
In the Fateless: The Beilis Trial a Century Later, the text discusses Mendel Beilis's notorious trial in 1913, accused of a blood libel murder in Tsarist Russia.
The article discusses the Menachem Beilis "Blood Libel" case that took place in Tsarist Russia over 100 years ago, where Beilis, a Jewish man, was wrongly accused of murdering a 13-year-old Christian boy.