Tag: Bnei Brak

Photographer Avraham Elbaz visited the Slabodka Yeshivah in Bnei Brak to capture a scene of Torah learning, finding two dedicated students engrossed in study despite the sparse attendance.
Members of Israel's Haredi community are expressing concern and warning of a potential religious conflict following the Israel Supreme Court's recent ruling that yeshiva students must be drafted into the military.
In this discussion by Linda Gradstein, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron, they cover the escalating tensions with Hezbollah in the north, raising concerns about possible missile attacks on Tel Aviv and the displacement of nearly 100,000 residents near the Lebanese border.
The Chazon Ish, a towering figure in Torah Judaism, left a lasting impact on Bnei Brak and beyond, with many followers known as Chazon Ishniks who strictly adhere to his rulings.
Rav Amram Fried, a prominent posek in Bnei Brak, used to handle halachic questions himself but due to the high volume of inquiries, he now oversees a team of rabbanim who respond to around 1,800 daily calls on a halachic hotline, often following his rulings closely.
Rav Amram Fried, a prominent posek in Bnei Brak, has a team of rabbanim assisting him in answering halachic queries through a hotline that receives around 1,800 calls daily, with last Erev Yom Kippur reaching 8,400 calls.
Rav Chaim Kanievsky's passing on Shushan Purim, commemorating two years since his death, symbolizes his unique dedication to Torah study and observance.
The discussion revolves around the ongoing tensions within the Charedi community in Israel regarding the draft of Yeshiva students into the IDF.
In this article, the author discusses the concept of charedi cities, which are communities in Israel filled with yeshivas and kollels.
Rav Isomor Garbuz, a well-known Torah scholar and son-in-law of Rav Gershon Edelstein, is highly respected in Bnei Brak, a city known for its yeshivas and Torah study.
Tel Aviv's long-awaited light rail system is set to open, but it will not operate on Shabbat.
Rabbi Shmaryahu Yosef Chaim Kanievsky, known as Reb Chaim, was a highly esteemed Torah scholar known for his vast knowledge and wisdom.
Sally Abed, Noah Efron, and Tel Aviv Review host Gilad Halpern explore topics like government intervention through taxation to promote socially desirable behavior, the challenges of teaching themes like coexistence and decency, and a film depicting life in ultra-Orthodox Bnei Brak during the pandemic which challenges stereotypes.
The article discusses the Haredi response to COVID-19 in Israel.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss significant topics including the merging of parties in Israel, the high COVID-19 rates among Ultra-Orthodox Jews, and the ideological differences in Israeli society highlighted by the Passover song Dayenu.
In the "Short Trip from Cradle to Grave" edition, Allison, Don, and Noah explore varied topics, including the creation of unusual ministerial positions in Israel, the conflicting nature of religiosity in the country based on global polls versus local perceptions, and the remarkable story of an ultra-Orthodox woman giving birth at 65 after decades of infertility.
As the anniversary of the #j14 protests approaches, there are signs of splintering within the movement in Israel.