Tag: Community Engagement

Menorah Primary School for Girls in Golders Green and Yesoiday Hatorah Girls in Manchester have both achieved outstanding ratings by Ofsted, with Menorah being praised for its exceptional quality and community involvement.
In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech during a time of intense turmoil, like the current challenges faced by the Jewish community.
The Beinart Notebook is a reader-supported publication that offers readers the opportunity to support the work through subscriptions.
A group of young Jewish philanthropists established the Slingshot Giving Circle on Antisemitism in response to the growing concerns over antisemitism in college campuses and communities.
A group of young Jewish philanthropists formed the Slingshot Giving Circle on Antisemitism in response to the rising antisemitism in the American Jewish community.
In the aftermath of terrorist attacks in Israel, the Jewish philanthropic community mobilized emergency aid and disaster-relief efforts to support the country during a time of crisis.
The Institute for Experiential Jewish Education and the Jewish Education Project conducted a survey to understand the experiences of Jewish educators, clergy, and engagement professionals following the events of October 7th in Israel.
In this article, the author discusses various hunger relief organizations and asks readers to share their favorite ones.
Jewish day camps have seen increasing investment, growth, and operational success since 2020.
The article discusses the challenges and changes in people's attitudes towards davening (prayer) after the Covid pandemic.
This article discusses the issue of singlehood within the Orthodox Jewish community.
"You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah," a new Netflix film, follows Stacy Friedman as she undergoes the process of becoming a bat mitzvah and explores the concept of the mitzvah project.
The article discusses a partnership called "To Teach and To Learn" between the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund in San Francisco and American Jewish University.
Rabbi Danny Burkeman reflects on his experience as a faculty member at URJ's Crane Lake Camp, emphasizing the importance of engaging with campers outside of traditional roles.
Jewish History Nerds is returning for a new season, embracing the label of 'nerds' for all enthusiasts of Jewish history.
The annual Sarachek basketball tournament hosted by Yeshiva University (YU) is a major event for Orthodox Jewish high schools in the United States.
NCSY's Jewish Student Union (JSU) is a network of culture clubs for Jewish public school teens in the US and Canada, impacting around 12,000 teens annually.
Synagogues in North America, particularly in non-Orthodox movements, have been facing challenges in keeping congregants engaged and financially supporting their infrastructure.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Jehovah's Witnesses have suspended their in-person outreach activities and have turned to mailing letters instead.
Synagogues are grappling with financial challenges as they prepare for the High Holidays amid the COVID-19 pandemic.