Tag: Community Responsibility

Rav Dovid Leibel is a Charedi rabbi who has taken positions that are not in line with traditional Charedi orthodoxy.
"Unmatched" is a book written by Sarah Lavane, a pseudonym, that explores the journey of an Orthodox Jewish woman in search of a compatible life partner.
Some proponents of a nationalist common good philosophy are questioning whether the current state of affairs, with economic activity slow and the government having extensive power to limit individual freedoms, aligns with their vision of promoting the common good.
This article discusses the relevance of teachings from Masekhet Bava Kama, specifically focusing on the discussion of contagious diseases, moral behavior, and prayer in light of the current global pandemic situation.
Rabbi Yehuda Amital's book "When God Is Near: On the High Holidays," adapted and edited by Rabbi Yoel Amital and translated by Karen Fish, captures the essence of Rav Amital's teachings at Yeshivat Har Etzion.