Tag: Democratic National Convention

President Biden and the Democratic Party are facing political challenges, especially in light of the ongoing conflict in Gaza and upcoming elections.
Anti-war activists gathered in Chicago cheered as news of Iran launching missiles towards Israel broke, with some expressing support for Iran and condemning US involvement.
Progressive groups are mobilizing Washington State voters to protest President Biden's stance on the Gaza conflict by marking ballots as uncommitted or writing "ceasefire" as a message for change.
President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu engaged in a heated exchange of criticisms, with Biden accusing Netanyahu of harming Israel with his Gaza actions, and Netanyahu defending his policies including opposition to a Palestinian state.
A campaign opposing President Biden's support for Israel, particularly during the Gaza war, gained significant traction in five states including Minnesota, Massachusetts, and North Carolina.
Joe Biden concluded the Democratic National Convention emphasizing his image as a caring individual compared to Donald Trump.
In a discussion about the 2020 Democratic National Convention, Halie Soifer, the Executive Director of the Jewish Democratic Council of America, emphasizes the Democratic Party's support for Israel and addresses concerns of the Jewish community leading up to the election.
The podcast discusses the third night of the Democratic National Convention, focusing on speeches by President Barack Obama and Sen. Kamala Harris.
The second night of the Democratic National Convention received criticism for featuring too many Republicans, leaving Democratic supporters frustrated.
Alex Lasry, the 33-year-old senior vice president of the Milwaukee Bucks, had high hopes for his city in 2020.
The text discusses the potential strategies of Michael Bloomberg and Hillary Clinton to prevent Bernie Sanders from obtaining the Democratic nomination by forming a superteam and using tactics to block him from securing a majority of delegates.
Paul Berman's essay in Tablet Magazine addresses concerns about the direction of the American left, focusing on the rise of charismatic female figures within it.
In 1968, Ramparts magazine, led by Warren Hinckle III, engaged in groundbreaking investigative journalism and advocacy against government malfeasance and the Vietnam War.