Tag: Depression

Stephen Fried emphasizes the importance of addressing mental illness within the Jewish community, pointing out that there is a lack of open discussion about mental health issues, failed awareness efforts, and outdated beliefs like relying solely on prayer for treatment.
Sue Klebold, the mother of one of the Columbine High School shooters, Dylan Klebold, grapples with his legacy in the aftermath of the 1999 tragedy.
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss Israel's bold disregard for global opinions, questioning the reasons behind the government's defiance.
The author, an Orthodox Jew struggling with OCD, recounts their experience of intrusive thoughts and compulsions that interfered with prayer and daily life.
Efforts are being made within the Jewish community to address the taboo surrounding suicide and mental illness.
When the author, Etgar Keret, was 19 and serving in the Israeli army, he wrote his first story during a long shift in a remote computer room.
The text explores the topic of suicide among Jews, shedding light on historical accounts of suicides in Jewish communities, particularly in Warsaw during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.