Tag: Economy

In the charedi world, there is a growing recognition of the need for change in the approach to general education to enable students to pursue professional careers and contribute to the economy.
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is preparing to address Congress and should consider reducing Israel's reliance on American military aid, as he successfully did with economic aid in the past.
Jeff Michaels, a 54-year-old hedge-fund portfolio manager from Mountain Lakes, NJ, and a Conservative Jew, expresses concern about America's economy under both Trump and Biden administrations, emphasizing social issues like democracy and rights.
Aaron Weissman, a 52-year-old Reform Jew from Great Falls, MT, switched from being a Republican to an Independent voter.
The article discusses Israel's economic constraints in the face of potential retaliation against Iran following a recent attack.
A recent poll in New York suggests that a majority of Jews in the state plan to vote for former President Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election, favoring him over President Joe Biden.
The podcast discusses positive economic statistics regarding job and wage growth under President Biden, speculating about the impact on his re-election chances.
This article discusses six ways that Donald Trump can improve his chances of being reelected.
The tourism industry in Israel has been severely impacted by the ongoing war with Hamas.
The recent conflict with Hamas in Israel has had a significant impact on the country's economy.
A recent visit to Israel revealed several insights.
In a recent podcast episode, Joe Biden's visit to Michigan in support of United Auto Workers strikers is discussed, focusing on how this move could impact his reputation with Americans regarding the economy.
In this discussion, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron address two important topics.
In this discussion by Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron, they explore two significant topics related to Israel's expensive cost of living not influencing its politics and the contemplation during the month of Elul.
Recent data from Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics shows that the employment rate for Charedi men has increased to a record 55.8%, up from 52% in 2015.
The author of this opinion piece reflects on recent protests in Israel and shares the perspectives of her children and grandchildren, who have diverse political and religious backgrounds.
This episode explores the challenges posed by artificial intelligence (AI) to human society, particularly in terms of how AI differs from human intelligence and its impact on the economy and productivity in office work.
This text is a personal account of a family's decision to leave New York City due to financial difficulties and their journey towards California.
In this episode of Election Overdose, the discussion revolves around the non-political economics of Israel and why Israelis often complain about economic problems but rarely vote based on economic platforms.
Eli Lake highlights a crisis of legitimacy in elite institutions that believe the public cannot handle the truth on various issues such as the economy, Covid, and climate change.
The article discusses the concept of a "new inflation" with Mohamed El-Erian, exploring the potential factors contributing to rising inflation and its implications for economies worldwide.
The author argues that the current era can be seen as a new Gilded Age, similar to the period following the Civil War.
In this podcast discussion, the focus is on the misjudgments of experts in different areas.
The hosts of the COMMENTARY podcast explore the curious antipathy towards positive pandemic news among thought leaders.
Evan Gottesman and Eli Kowaz delve into the prospect of a fourth Israeli Knesset election happening within a year, amidst the challenges posed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.