Tag: Esther

The article draws parallels between the speculation surrounding Kate Middleton's sudden absence from the public eye, referred to as "KateGate" or "WaterKate," and the elements of a modern-day Purim story.
This article discusses the significance of the name Vashti in Jewish and non-Jewish cultures.
Gabriel Lichtmann's Purim film, "The Red Star," tells the story of Laila Salama, a fictional character who is a Jewish secret agent in Argentina.
The discussion centers around the rabbinic mitzvot of Purim, particularly the practices of mishloah manot (sending portions) and matanot la-evyonim (alms for the poor), and their relationship to the Purim story.
In "Religious Zionism: Beyond Left and Right," the author discusses the divided perspectives within Zionism.
The article discusses the recent surge of protests and social media campaigns in the Syrian Sephardic Jewish community in Brooklyn against men who are refusing to give their wives a get (a Jewish divorce document).
This episode of the Unorthodox podcast focuses on reimagining the holiday of Purim.
The article discusses the character of Ahasuerus from the Book of Esther, highlighting his leadership traits and flaws.
The text discusses the importance of listening to women's voices in Jewish tradition, referencing biblical figures like Sarah, Miriam, Deborah, Rahav, Hannah, and Esther to illustrate the active roles women played, speaking out and being heard.
The misconception that Mordechai and Esther, the heroes of Purim, were uncle and niece is clarified in this piece, stating they were actually first cousins as described in the book of Esther.
The text explores a fifth-and sixth-grade Purim musical revue at a Jewish school, where the narrator played Vashti, a character overshadowed by Esther, leading to her embracing feminist ideas and resistance.
Purim is a festive Jewish holiday commemorating the thwarting of a plot to annihilate the Jews in ancient Persia.
At the Jewish Museum's Centennial Purim Ball, Mayor Michael Bloomberg highlighted the museum's significance and fundraising success.