Tag: Eulogy

Rabbi Daniel Cohen emphasizes the importance and power of crafting a meaningful eulogy, highlighting that it is a crucial moment to honor the deceased and bring comfort to the grieving.
Rabbi Daniel Cohen reflects on the fragility of life and the importance of living with a sense of urgency and purpose in his personal narrative about a life-altering event that changed his perspective.
Rabbi Daniel Cohen reflects on his experience officiating hundreds of funerals, emphasizing the importance of creating meaningful moments in people's lives.
Rabbi Daniel Cohen reflects on the important lesson he has learned from officiating at hundreds of funerals - that people remember moments, not days.
The text reflects on the legacy of Joe Lieberman, showcasing how his life embodied integrity and principle, drawing parallels from a Talmudic story about Rabban Gamliel.
Rabbi Daniel Cohen delivered a moving eulogy for Senator Joe Lieberman, highlighting his integrity, faith, and kindness both in his public and personal life.
A moving personal account describes attending a funeral where the son of the deceased read a eulogy written by his mother before her passing, touching on love, warmth, and gratitude despite her illness.
The hesped (funeral eulogy) for Rav Yehuda Herzl Henkin highlights his greatness as a rabbi and posek (halakhic decisor) in the Jewish world.
This text discusses the changing image of the shtetl, or Eastern European Jewish town, in post-war Jewish American identity.
Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz, a respected and influential figure in the Jewish community, has passed away.
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, a beloved teacher and mentor, had a profound impact on many people, including the author Nathan J. Diament.
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks was known for his prophetic voice and ability to speak in a way that captured the hearts and souls of his audience.
This eulogy reflects on the life and impact of Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm, as remembered by his granddaughter.
This article is a personal reflection on the life and contributions of Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm, who was a prominent leader in American Orthodoxy for over six decades.
In a moving eulogy for John McCain, Joe Lieberman highlighted McCain's respect for Lieberman's Jewish practices and their shared love for Jerusalem.
Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, a revered rabbinic figure, was honored at his funeral for embodying a balance of authority (koach) and beauty (hadar) in his teachings.
The text is a deeply personal reflection on the author's experience of losing their mother to brain cancer.