Tag: Faith

Rebecca Newberger Goldstein's novel, "36 Arguments for the Existence of God," follows psychology professor Cass Seltzer, who gains fame for debunking 36 reasons for believing in God.
The author reflects on the trade of R.A. Dickey from the New York Mets, drawing parallels between the management decisions in sports, like adhering to Moneyball strategies, and in religion, where institutions prioritize balance sheets over fans' desires.
Boris Groys, in his book "Introduction to Antiphilosophy," discusses a modern trend in philosophy called antiphilosophy, which focuses on the everyday concerns of people rather than abstract ideas.
Yossi Huttler reflects on the concept of Diras Arai, the temporary dwelling, in Jewish tradition.
During the thirtieth anniversary of the Gulf War, Toby Klein Greenwald reflects on the experiences of her family during the war, including the fears, uncertainties, and miracles that occurred during those tumultuous days in Israel.