Tag: Faith

An 88-year-old Rabbi and his 57-year-old wife share the heartwarming story of welcoming their first son together, showcasing their unwavering faith and joy despite challenges in a Jewish community in Jerusalem.
The weekly Torah portion of Shelach Lecha discusses the spies' report on the land of Israel, emphasizing how our outlook shapes our perceptions of reality.
Debbie Shapiro, a woman known for her strength and positivity, reflects on her journey with Parkinson's disease.
Louisiana recently passed a bill requiring public classrooms to display the Ten Commandments, sparking concerns about the separation of religion and state.
The text discusses the role of religion on the battlefield.
The article discusses the financial challenges faced by a family due to a series of unfortunate events, including a natural disaster, economic downturn, and a specialized medical practice becoming financially unsustainable.
The Bibas family, held hostage by terrorists since October 7, especially resonate within the Jewish community.
The text discusses the concept of trust in the context of the weekly Torah portion Behar, focusing on the mitzvah of shmittah and the observance of Shabbat.
The video delves into Rochel's emotional journey of overcoming infertility struggles and the tragic loss of one of her twins, finding strength and faith along the way.
The video explores Vivi Deren and her husband's journey of raising a family, including four children who did not survive due to a genetic disorder, highlighting their strength and positivity.
When Lawrence Vincent's son Kit was diagnosed with terminal cancer, it led Lawrence on a spiritual journey to Judaism for comfort, as depicted in Kit's documentary "Red Herring."
The narrator and their family are involved in a pileup on the way to the airport for a trip to California.
"We Were the Lucky Ones" on Hulu shines a light on the importance of faith and family in surviving hardship, depicting a Polish Jewish family's struggles during the Holocaust.
A mother recalls preparing for her daughter Havi's unconventional bat mitzvah at 18 months old, necessitated by Havi being diagnosed with Tay-Sachs disease.
Attending a Jewish funeral and sitting shiva for a friend's mother led the author to reevaluate her relationship with religion, ultimately inspiring her decision to convert to Judaism.
Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky, an 88-year-old rosh yeshivah in Jerusalem, recently celebrated the birth of his first child, a son, with his second wife after being childless in his first marriage of over half a century.
In facing crises, one often seeks hope and resilience, traits that should be nurtured during calmer times to build a foundation of faith.
In the article "The Psychology of Hope Amid Crisis," the author explores the role of hope in helping individuals cope with distress and tragedies, particularly relevant to the current challenges faced by the Jewish community.
Following the tragic murder of her two sons in a terror attack, Devorah Paley's exceptional faith and fortitude captivated the Jewish public, inspiring an outpouring of support and unity.
Israeli soldier Ori Megidish's rescue by the IDF from captivity in Gaza highlighted the role of emunah, or faith, in facing challenges, as her mother engaged in prayer and mitzvot for her safe return.
The text discusses the modern challenges to belief in Judaism, with questions arising about the veracity and relevance of Torah stories and laws in today's society.
Jewish communities in Ukraine have been navigating through two simultaneous wars over the past two years - the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing conflict with Israel, impacting their lives profoundly.
A parent reflects on their journey to convert to Judaism as they realize the need for early intervention for their child.
James G. Robinson reflects on his family's experience dealing with their son's serious heart defect, which led them to draw on their Jewish faith and tradition for strength and guidance.
"The Book of Clarence" is a new film that takes place in Jerusalem in the year 33 A.D. and explores faith.