Tag: Gaza Ceasefire

Ceasefire talks in Gaza have been stalled despite a three-step proposal by President Biden that Hamas seems receptive to, with Israel expressing doubts.
A pro-Palestinian protest campaign in Wisconsin's Democratic primary garnered over 47,000 uninstructed votes, surpassing its goal of 20,000 votes.
The United States abstained from a UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict, allowing it to pass.
Some attendees at the 2024 Academy Awards wore red Artists4Ceasefire pins to show support for a ceasefire in Gaza.
Vice President Kamala Harris called for an immediate six-week ceasefire in Gaza at a civil rights event, emphasizing the need for humanitarian aid to enter the region, mostly placing the onus on Israel.
President Joe Biden is expected to win the Michigan primary, but the state's large Arab American population is sending a warning by considering a protest vote due to dissatisfaction with Biden's stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict.
Hamas has been making significant strides toward its war goals, including creating fear and insecurity among Israelis, sabotaging prospects for lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians, fostering a surge in antisemitism worldwide, and isolating Israel on the international stage.
President Joe Biden is showing a shift in his support for Israel by tabling a UN resolution calling for a Gaza ceasefire with conditions such as releasing hostages and aiding humanitarian efforts, marking a change from previous unwavering support.
The discussion on the Red Flag podcast delves into the recent Flag Day parade in Jerusalem, which led to tensions between nationalist activists and Arab residents despite the Gaza ceasefire.
This episode of AJC Passport delves into the possibility of a long-term ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, the political future of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the trade war between the United States and Turkey, former NATO allies.