Tag: Gaza

The text questions the reliability of facts coming out of Gaza by drawing a comparison to the Iranian hostage crisis in 1979.
The text expresses a mix of emotions upon hearing about the daring rescue of Israeli hostages, including pride, joy, relief, and sorrow for those still held and killed by Hamas.
The article discusses the recent IDF rescue of hostages from Hamas captivity and emphasizes the importance of pursuing negotiations to release all hostages, end bloodshed, and enhance Israeli and Palestinian security.
A recent hostage rescue in Israel sparked a sense of unity but also highlighted the country's complex challenges.
Israeli special forces successfully carried out a daring operation to rescue four hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, who were tearfully reunited with their families at the Tel Aviv hospital.
Israeli forces successfully rescued four hostages, including Noa Argamani, who had been held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip since Oct. 7.
The Nova Music Festival Exhibition in New York offers a detailed and immersive experience re-creating the tragic events of the festival in Israel when it was attacked by Hamas on October 7th.
The article tells the story of four elderly male hostages who tragically died while in captivity in Gaza.
Israeli hostage families have issued a plea to American Jewish institutions to support their call for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to accept a deal to release hostages and end the war.
Michael Douglas visited Israel and met with families of hostages, expressing a desire for peace and an end to conflict.
The NAACP initially called for a ceasefire in Gaza and an end to American weapon shipments to Israel but later revised its statement to specifically target weapons aimed at civilians.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to address the U.S. Congress on July 24 for the fourth time amid the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza and potential International Criminal Court issues.
The text criticizes the BBC for alleged antisemitism in its reporting on Israeli strikes in Gaza, highlighting a biased narrative against Israel.
Rep. Mark Pocan has been engaging in a prolonged social media campaign against AIPAC, leveling criticisms at the pro-Israel lobbying group linked to antisemitic tropes and accusations.
The text discusses the failure of a $320-million American humanitarian pier built in Gaza, which Palestinians did not want and which suffered structural issues.
The Bibas family, held hostage by terrorists since October 7, especially resonate within the Jewish community.
In a recent episode, Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi discuss Israel's ongoing challenges, including war fatigue, IDF's goals in Gaza, Hezbollah's threat from the north, and Netanyahu's political survival amidst pressure for a hostage deal.
In London, a peaceful protest of 40,000 people took place demanding the release of hostages held by Hamas, showcasing a sea of Israeli flags and a stark contrast to anti-Israel sentiment often seen in the city.
Hagar Brodutch, a former Israeli hostage released by Hamas after 51 days, is now in Toronto with her family for a break.
President Joe Biden's statements regarding Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's actions during the conflict with Hamas have led to confusion and mixed messaging.
Amidst a heated debate over aid to Gaza, international agencies and governments have accused Israel of not doing enough to ensure Palestinians in Gaza receive food and aid, with warnings of potential famine.
The article discusses the complexities of American arms policy toward Israel, highlighting recent events where Biden temporarily withheld ammunition shipments to signal disapproval of Israeli actions in Gaza.
In issue 1014 of The Moment by Mishpacha Magazine, a story is shared about Yehudah, a farmer in Eretz Yisrael who experienced miracles in Gaza due to keeping shemittah.
This article explores the unique attributes of wartime Israel, focusing on the experiences and perspectives of individuals living in Israel during periods of conflict.
The Israel Defense Forces announced that the number of Israeli hostages who have died in captivity, believed to be at least 18, includes recent casualties such as Chaim Peri, Yoram Metzger, Amiram Cooper, and Nadav Popplewell.