Tag: Gratitude

The text discusses the lack of concern and gratitude for the IDF among the charedi community in Israel.
In this article, the author discusses the response of the charedi Jewish community to controversial statements made by one of their rabbinic figures, Rav Bunim Schreiber.
Rav Yisroel Bunim Schreiber, a prominent figure in the Israeli charedi community, recently sparked controversy with his remarks about soldiers in the IDF.
The Sedra of Vayelech recounts Moses confessing to the Israelites that he is unable to continue leading them due to his old age.
The Parashah of Ki Tavo discusses the ceremony of bringing first fruits to the Temple in Jerusalem, where farmers expressed gratitude to God for sustenance by reciting a historical declaration.
The article discusses the value of feeling appreciated and the impact it can have on individuals.
The pandemic has had a significant impact on the mental health of children, and it is important for parents to create a positive and resilient environment at home.
Gratitude is an important skill that can be nurtured in children.
In this article, Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain discuss the significance of Israel passing its first state budget in three years and the stability brought about by its unique coalition.
The podcast discusses the controversial ethical considerations in vaccine distribution, the role of luck and gratitude in American society, a notable turn of events for AOC, and introduces a new Senator with a quirky name akin to a character from "Captain Kangaroo."Listeners are encouraged to tune in for more insights.
In a pre-Thanksgiving podcast episode, the discussion touches on the new CDC guidance on quarantining and a surprising statement made by Barack Obama about Latino voters.
The author reflects on the concept of kavod, or honor, in Jewish communal life.
In the midst of challenging times such as a pandemic, the act of prayer becomes a crucial and perplexing practice for observant Jews, who are commanded to find kavannah, or purpose and intentionality, in their prayers.
The text depicts the author's experience facing Parkinson's disease in his early eighties, which has deeply affected his physical abilities and cognitive function, causing exhaustion, tremors, and cognitive slowness.
Howard Kaplan, an observant Jew in Israel, continues a Christmas tradition started by his mother Toby, who was saved during the Holocaust by Aleksandra Tarasowa in Poland.
The Unorthodox podcast in episode 158 features Shay Khatiri, an Iranian-born political refugee who raised over $1 million for the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh after the Oct. 27 massacre, discussing his asylum trial and activism.
The author of the letter expresses gratitude and a sense of curiosity towards their anonymous sperm donor, who made it possible for them to have a son named Isaiah.
The article delves into how the traditional role of Jewish mothers, characterized by self-sacrifice and high expectations, has evolved in modern times.
Academic oncologists in Israel who trained in the U.S. cherish the Thanksgiving celebrations they experienced there, prompting a new tradition of "seudat-hodayah" (thanksgiving feast) among oncologists and cancer patients in Israel.