Tag: Hamas

Russia and China vetoed a U.S.-led UN Security Council resolution that called for a ceasefire in Gaza because they felt it wasn't strong enough and didn't explicitly address Hamas' actions.
Ben Shapiro retweeted former US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, who emphasized the strong unity and morale in Israel during the conflict with Hamas, highlighting Israeli opposition to a Palestinian state and widespread support for the war effort.
Imam Asim Hafiz, the chief Muslim chaplain to Britains armed forces, was involved in controversy after hosting a reception in Parliament where guests with inflammatory views were present, including Ismail Patel of Friends of Al-Aqsa and Zara Mohammed of the Muslim Council of Britain.
American Jews overwhelmingly support Israel's efforts against Hamas, as shown in a new Pew poll.
As Purim approaches amidst times of war and tragedy, the challenge of balancing joy with pain is daunting for many.
The essay highlights the overlooked role of religion and antisemitism in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, emphasizing the deep-rooted indoctrination of Palestinian children to hate Jews and aspire to destroy Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing criticism from US Democratic leaders, including President Joe Biden, Senator Bernie Sanders, and Senator Chuck Schumer, for his handling of the conflict with Hamas in Gaza.
On the National Mall, a shipping container has been set up by advocates for the hostages held by Hamas, aiming to raise awareness.
The author discusses the importance of prominent Jewish figures opposing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to combat anti-Semitism in the U.S., providing temporary relief for Jewish communities.
Minister Ron Dermer, a member of the Israeli War Cabinet, discusses the progress of the ongoing conflict in Gaza, focusing on goals such as dismantling Hamas's military capabilities, ending its political rule, ensuring Gaza does not threaten Israel, and returning hostages.
Recent polls conducted on Israelis and Palestinians have shown that both groups share a belief that Israel is unlikely to emerge victorious in the current war, reflecting a growing doubt about Israel's ability to eradicate Hamas.
During a celebration for Simchat Torah in Alumim, a religious kibbutz near Gaza, residents were abruptly attacked by rockets from Gaza, followed by a ground assault aiming to kill and take hostages.
Authorities in Newton, Massachusetts are investigating a series of vandalism incidents targeting pro-Israel homes as hate crimes, with incidents including defacing or removing pro-Israel signs and destroying posters of Israeli hostages.
The text criticizes the left for solely blaming Israel for the devastation in Gaza, ignoring Hamas's role in the conflict.
During the October 7 attacks by Hamas, 253 civilians and IDF soldiers were abducted, with 112 hostages freed since then.
The text discusses the challenges of excluding extremists from public life despite efforts to define and combat extremism.
The article discusses the fraudulent casualty figures reported by Hamas during the Israel-Hamas conflict, with a focus on the questionable accuracy of the numbers provided by the Gaza Health Ministry.
Jared Kushner, former adviser to President Donald Trump, suggested that Israel should temporarily resettle displaced Palestinians from Gaza to the Negev desert to minimize casualties in a planned operation against Hamas.
Daniel Finkelstein, an Associate Editor of The Times, highlights the challenges of engaging in dialogue and compromise when it comes to discussions surrounding Israel.
The text discusses former President Trump's comments suggesting that Jewish individuals who vote for Democrats hate their religion and Israel.
Israeli forces entered Shifa Hospital in Gaza City amidst a gun battle with Hamas fighters, resulting in casualties and arrests, although the incident received minimal media coverage compared to previous events.
The text is a critical letter addressed to U.S. President Joe Biden, expressing dissatisfaction with his administration's approach to Israel and Jewish-related issues.
The White House has confirmed the death of Marwan Issa, the third-in-command of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, who was allegedly involved in planning a major invasion of Israel.
An artist recounts his journey from holding negative views on Israel to changing his perspective through personal experiences in Tel Aviv.
Rep. Nick LaLota (R-NY) discusses his support for a bipartisan foreign aid bill proposed by Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) that includes aid for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, and border security.