Tag: Hamas

Protests calling for the resignation of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu due to his handling of the government and the ongoing conflict have drawn tens of thousands of demonstrators in Jerusalem, demanding his removal or a change in his approach.
The White House has raised concerns after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced plans to shut down Al Jazeera's offices in Israel through a new law passed by the Knesset.
Mark Regev, a close adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, expressed that the current tension between Israel and the U.S. is justifiable to defeat Hamas.
Michigan Congressman Tim Walberg faced criticism after suggesting that Israel should handle Gaza swiftly akin to Nagasaki and Hiroshima, clarifying he wasn't advocating for nuclear war, rather emphasizing the need to end conflicts quickly to protect civilians.
The current protests in Israel, sparked by the recent hostage situation, are being used as a pretext by demonstrators who actually seek to remove Prime Minister Netanyahu from power through early elections.
The text analyzes why the anti-Netanyahu strategy adopted by some Democrats, including Chuck Schumer, in response to Israel's war in Gaza may not be effective.
Protests against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government and calls for securing the release of hostages held in Gaza have escalated in Israel, with thousands gathering in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
The discussion revolves around the implications of a potential war between Israel and Hezbollah, seen as a war between Israel and Iran, due to Hezbollah's ties to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.
Future of Jewish is a newsletter covering Judaism and Israel, aiming to educate readers about the Jewish world.
Former Israeli General Yaakov Amidror, a respected expert, discussed Israel's challenges in a potential war with Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Two Israeli women who spoke out about experiencing sexual abuse while held captive by Hamas in Gaza faced online mockery and dismissal of their claims, highlighting the trauma and stigma surrounding sexual assault survivors.
A photo of Hamas militants transporting the body of a German-Israeli woman, Shani Louk, into Gaza has won an award, sparking controversy over its portrayal of the deceased and the militants' actions.
House Democratic leaders have recently endorsed Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a vocal critic of Israel, amidst a primary challenge by Westchester County Executive George Latimer, who has gained the support of the Jewish Democratic Council of America.
The text explores the historical roots of Muslim hostility towards Jews, citing events like the Battle of Khaybar in 628 CE as well as more recent instances of violence against Jews, such as the Peasants Revolt in 1834.
In "Ethics of Our Fighters: A Jewish View of War and Morality," Shlomo M. Brody examines the ethical considerations surrounding warfare from a Jewish perspective.
The discussion with Bret Stephens highlights President Biden's political challenges relating to inflation and immigration, rather than Israel or the Palestinians.
Jewish college student leaders at Binghamton University, Seth Schlank and Eytan Saenger, discuss their experiences combating antisemitism on campus following the October 7 massacre in Israel by Hamas.
The text discusses the controversy surrounding the Biden administration's decision to abstain from a UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire in the conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.
The text discusses the global confrontation between liberal democracy and populism/totalitarianism that threatens universal values.
Tensions between the U.S. and Israel have emerged over approaches to dealing with the conflict in Gaza, with the U.S. prioritizing Palestinian civilian safety and pressuring Israel to avoid a major military operation in Rafah, Hamas stronghold.
In a series of events starting from October 7, some American Jews have observed a perceived shift in President Biden's stance towards Israel, with concerns escalating regarding his actions that seem detrimental to Israel's interests.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled a Washington visit by Israeli officials following a disagreement with President Joe Biden over Israels planned invasion of Rafah, a city on the Gaza-Egypt border.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's cancellation of a Washington visit led to rescheduling talks on Israels planned invasion of Rafah with President Biden, after Biden urged Netanyahu to send a delegation for discussions on the city on the Gaza-Egypt border.
Columbia University is investigating an event where speakers expressed support for Palestinian terror groups and encouraged armed resistance against Israel.
The author reflects on the emotional journey of praying for an Israeli hostage, Uriel Baruch, only to find out he was killed rather than kidnapped, adding a personal connection they felt through shared birthdays and interactions with Baruch's family.