Tag: Israeli Defense Forces

Members of Israel's Haredi community are expressing concern and warning of a potential religious conflict following the Israel Supreme Court's recent ruling that yeshiva students must be drafted into the military.
Ten Israeli soldiers were killed in separate incidents in Gaza, marking one of the deadliest days for the Israeli military.
Benny Gantz, a key moderate figure in the Israeli government, resigned, leaving Netanyahu without a centrist partner and potentially leading to early elections.
Tal Becker, a prominent Israeli expert, recently defended Israel against genocide accusations at the International Court of Justice, emphasizing the country's moral stance amid conflict with Hamas.
Israel, often a target of misinformation and propaganda, faces numerous false claims.
In response to the October 7th terrorist attacks at the Nova music festival, Israelis and Jews worldwide are turning to tattoos as a way to commemorate the events and find strength amidst tragedy.
In the analysis of military strategies and conflicts involving Israel, the text delves into various incidents and strategic shifts.
The State Department released a report acknowledging that Israel likely violated international law in Gaza, pointing out incidents inconsistent with humanitarian law.
Ari Kalker, a citizen-soldier who served in the IDF in Gaza, reflects on the challenges of transitioning between military duty and family life as a reservist.
The essay discusses reevaluating priorities in Israel following the Hamas-led kidnappings, emphasizing the need to prioritize securing the release of Israeli hostages.
Iran's attack on Israel with over 300 missiles and drones elicited a range of reactions from various individuals and organizations.
Iran launched missiles and over 100 drones at Israel in an unprecedented attack, causing Israelis to seek shelter and resulting in injuries.
Amidst the ongoing conflict in Gaza involving Hamas, the essay emphasizes Israel's strategic responses to threats and the significance of its security measures to protect civilians even in challenging urban warfare conditions.
Former Israeli General Yaakov Amidror, a respected expert, discussed Israel's challenges in a potential war with Hezbollah in Lebanon.
British authorities are investigating an incident at Manchester airport where two Israeli survivors of an Oct. 7 attack were reportedly held and harassed by security after mentioning their ordeal with Hamas.
The text discusses why the Israeli army, particularly the IDF, is known for its humanitarian efforts, especially in conflict situations like the recent Israel-Hamas conflict.
After five months of intense fighting between Israel and Hamas, Israel aims to destroy Hamas by removing them from power in the Gaza Strip, seeing it as a critical step in their campaign against the group.
The article discusses the tragic situation in Gaza where over 100 people have died while seeking food aid.
Maj. Gen. (Res.) Gershon Hacohen believes in winning wars and has been a strong dissenting voice in Israeli military circles.
The text discusses the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and emphasizes that blaming Israel for it is unjustified.
Israeli media coverage of U.S. affairs, the ongoing Gaza war, and broader conflicts focuses on stories like the recent heroic rescue of hostages in Gaza and the dilemma between continuing the war or saving hostages.
Hostage Square in Tel Aviv continues to monitor the time since Hamas attacked Israel, currently showing 122 days, 11 hours, 14 minutes, and one second.
This article is a tribute to Oriya Goshen, a former participant of the Bronfman Fellowship, who was killed in combat.
"Readjusting Sights" is a comparison between the experiences of two Israeli soldiers, Roi and Haim Sabato, during different wars.
Linda Gradstein, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron discuss the IDF's failures and its enduring trust despite setbacks and casualties, questioning why belief in the army persists.