Tag: Israeli Settlers

The article challenges the notion that Palestinians don't deserve peace because of past events, arguing that ignoring Palestinian history and suffering does not contribute to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The Biden administration has expanded its list of West Bank settlers facing U.S. sanctions, adding two settlement outposts along with individuals accused of instigating violence against Palestinians.
President Joe Biden's recent sanctions targeting Israeli settlers involved in violence in the West Bank are seen as an attempt to address domestic discontent over US support for Israel amid its conflict in Gaza, rather than a comprehensive effort to curb settler violence.
The article discusses a group of Jewish New York City and state lawmakers who accuse Israel of mass destruction in Gaza and criticize Israel's actions in the region, expressing concern for Palestinian civilians.
Jewish Democratic organizations, like Democratic Majority for Israel and J Street, are strategizing to ensure President Biden's reelection by rallying support from pro-Israel Democrats.
Rep. Dean Phillips, a Jewish Democratic presidential candidate challenging President Biden, expressed disgust over the loss of life in Gaza, criticizing both Biden and Israeli PM Netanyahu for failing to address the conflict effectively.
Israel has intensified its crackdown on Palestinians in the West Bank city of Hebron since October 7th, with increased violence and repression.
Rabbi Arik Ascherman, an American-born rabbi and left-wing human rights activist, has been indicted for obstructing soldiers in the West Bank.
The recent actions by the Biden administration to suspend funding for UNRWA, the Palestinian refugee agency, and impose sanctions on violent Israeli settlers in the West Bank have generated controversy.
President Biden has issued an executive order imposing financial sanctions on Israeli settlers in the West Bank who have been carrying out violent assaults against Palestinians.
President Joe Biden has signed an executive order to impose sanctions on Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank who have engaged in violence against Palestinians.
President Joe Biden has imposed strict sanctions on four Israeli settlers for their alleged violence against Palestinians and Israeli peace activists.
The article discusses the negative optics and consequences of extremist Israeli settlers in the West Bank and the behavior of some IDF soldiers.
Protective presence activism, in which Israeli and international activists physically accompany Palestinians to protect them from settler violence in the West Bank, is facing challenges in the face of increased settler aggression and militarization.
This article recounts the story of the killing of Bilal Muhammad Saleh, a Palestinian farmer, by a settler in the West Bank.
The article discusses the author's experience of being assaulted by an Israeli police officer while participating in a protest in Sheikh Jarrah, East Jerusalem, a site of Palestinian evictions by settler organizations.
The article discusses the forced depopulation of Palestinian communities in Area C of the West Bank due to settler attacks.
The U.S. State Department has condemned Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir for his controversial statement that Jewish rights to freedom of movement in the West Bank are more important than those of Arab residents.
The Israeli government has granted Israeli citizens legal access to the disbanded settlement of Homesh, fulfilling a demand of the settler movement.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman discuss the following topics: a left-wing Tel Aviv resident's eye-opening encounters with settlers in Tekoa, raising questions about the portrayal of settlers as human and humane; concerns among Israeli parents about the attention given to children with disabilities in educational settings; and Prime Minister Netanyahu's decision to postpone a bill that would require opting-in for access to pornography in Israel, sparking a debate on internet regulation.
The Other Israel Film Festival, in its eleventh year organized by the JCC Manhattan, focuses on showcasing films that highlight minority populations in Israel, predominantly through documentaries like "Desert Wounds" following Sudanese refugees and "The Field" examining the Palestinian Center for Nonviolence.
In Genius Bar Episode 32 of Unorthodox, the discussion touches on Israeli settlers and Palestinians collaborating in cannabis cultivation.
Ruthi Cohen, a devoted woman with a deep faith, is at the center of a narrative detailing the life and tragedy of her family in Gush Katif.