Tag: Israeli American Relations

Deni Avdija, the only Israeli player in the NBA, has been traded from the Washington Wizards to the Portland Trail Blazers after a successful season where he showcased career-high stats.
Tens of thousands gathered for the annual Israel parade in New York City, led by families of hostages still held captive by Hamas in Gaza, including the delegation from Kibbutz Beeri.
Hamas's brutal terrorist attack on October 7 has paradoxically garnered significant support for the Palestinian cause, particularly among top Democratic policymakers and the Western world, leading to a push for Palestinian statehood and increased demonization of Israel.
In Moments' BIvrit column, the Israeli press coverage of varying news themes is highlighted.
President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu engaged in a heated exchange of criticisms, with Biden accusing Netanyahu of harming Israel with his Gaza actions, and Netanyahu defending his policies including opposition to a Palestinian state.
This article presents four conversations that can help people understand and think critically about the Israel-Hamas war.
In a preseason game between the Brooklyn Nets and the Israeli team Maccabi Raanana, Israeli pop star Noa Kirel sang the national anthem, Hatikvah, with an Israeli flag draped around her shoulders.
In a Sapir event, Bret Stephens interviews Reuel Marc Gerecht about the recent attacks by Hamas and the broader confrontation between Israel and Iran.
Israeli protests against the government of Prime Minister Netanyahu continue in Bellevue, Greater Seattle.
While there are claims that Israeli democracy is failing, the reality is that no democracy is without problems.
Max Miller, a former Trump administration aide, is running in the Republican primary against Rep. Anthony Gonzalez in Ohio's 16th Congressional District.
The text mentions an individual named Danny, who is a columnist for Bloomberg View and has authored over ten books, including a history of Israel ("Israel: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn"), a biography of Menachem Begin ("The Battle for Israel's Soul"), and a recent work on the divide between American Jews and Israel ("We Stand Divided").
Natan Sharansky, an activist, politician, and former chairman of the Jewish Agency, has released a new book titled "Never Alone: Prison, Politics, and My People."
In "We Stand Divided," Daniel Gordis explores the longstanding rift between American Jews and Israel, tracing its roots back to differing views on religion, history, identity, and democracy.
In this podcast episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman delve into three key subjects: the potential lasting rift between American Jews and Israel following the Pittsburgh massacre, the left's militant stance on Rabin's assassination anniversary, and the surprising election of a feminist mayor in an ultra-Orthodox Israeli town.
In the Jewish year 5777, notable moments included Bob Dylan winning the Nobel Prize in Literature, the UN criticizing Israeli settlements with the US abstaining, President Trump taking office with his Jewish advisors Ivanka and Jared, over 100 bomb threats to JCCs in the US and Canada, Trump's visit to Israel with a stop at the Western Wall, Israel freezing plans for a pluralistic Western Wall section, a controversy at the Chicago Dyke March over Jewish symbols, neo-Nazis rallying in Charlottesville, and Hurricane Harvey affecting the Jewish community in Houston.