Tag: Jewish Cemetery

This text recounts a group of tourists, including some Jewish people, reciting the Kaddish prayer for Bella Terner, a Polish Jewish woman who settled in Cuba in the 1930s and was buried there.
The Kapshitter family tragedy, where a family was murdered by Hamas terrorists, highlighted the issue of Jewish burial rights in Israel.
The town of Merthyr Tydfil, once a thriving industrial hub in Wales, is now undergoing a revitalization effort centered around its abandoned synagogue, being transformed into a cultural center.
In "The Unfinished Business of Eadie Browne," author Freya North delves into her Jewish heritage for the first time in her 28-year career, exploring Jewish characters and values in a coming-of-age story.
The author shares personal experiences and reflections on the relationship between Polish and Jewish identity.
The funeral services for the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein included the presence of Rabbi Jonathan Singer from Congregation Emanu-El, the synagogue where Feinstein attended Sunday school as a child.
Daphne Kalotay, author of "The Archivists," discusses the inspiration behind her characters and the themes in her book.
Janice Apple Malett inherited a Jewish cemetery in Shenandoah, Pennsylvania, even though there are no longer any Jews living in the town.
The unidentified remains of at least one victim from Dachau, the Nazi concentration camp, were recently buried in a Jewish family's plot in Washington, D.C. The bones were sent home by U.S. Army soldier Sgt. Willard N. Maddox in 1946 and remained hidden until they were discovered by Maddox's son-in-law years later.
The author shares her journey to Ukraine to connect with her Jewish Ukrainian roots.
The Memory Garden in Colma, California is the first Jewish site dedicated to commemorating miscarriages, abortions, and neonatal deaths.
In the fall of 1989, Prague experienced a metamorphosis towards democracy and freedom.
President Trump and Vice President Pence have been working to mend relations with the Jewish community after facing criticism for anti-Semitic undertones during their campaign.
The text discusses the Jewish past of Salonica (now Thessaloniki) and the ongoing struggle to remember and honor it amidst desecration and anti-Semitism.
The text features two poems related to the Holocaust: "Jewish Cemetery (Prague)" by Ida Gramcko and "Poetics" by Jacqueline Goldberg.
Despite initial resistance, a Holocaust memorial honoring the 1,434 Jews of Kavala, Greece who perished in the Holocaust was unveiled after international pressure.
Two 13-year-old boys were arrested for vandalizing a Jewish cemetery in Manchester, England, where swastikas were painted on tombstones and 40 headstones were toppled, resulting in an estimated £100,000 worth of damage.
The article discusses the dilemma surrounding the burial of alleged Boston Marathon terrorist Tamerlan Tsarnaev, highlighting Jewish perspectives on burial practices.
The author reflects on the complex relationship with their uncle in Havana, a communist who stayed behind in Cuba after their family fled in 1962.