Tag: Jewish Folklore

The artistic director at the Arlekin Players Theatre company in Massachusetts is directing a modernized adaptation of the century-old Jewish play "The Dybbuk" at Vilna Shul in Boston.
Exploring the eerie realm of Azazel and demons in Parshah Acharei, the 29th episode of Parshah Rabbit Hole delves into mysterious goat-like entities with a warning of the content's potential scariness.
Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove and Professor Daniel Matt discuss the life and significance of the prophet Elijah in Jewish tradition in a Passover special episode on the Park Avenue Synagogue Podcast.
Minecraft, a popular video game, features various types of golems, including the Iron Golem, inspired by Jewish folklore's protective creature.
This article provides a ranking of Jewish-themed romantic comedies (romcoms) aired on the Hallmark channel.
The article discusses the character of Tamar in the Bible and Thomas Mann's interpretation of her in his book Joseph and His Brothers.
The author of The Jewish Table celebrates reaching 500 paid subscribers and shares their excitement about receiving a collection of Jewish cookbooks from a friend.
Four novels published in 2023 are explored in this article, highlighting their Jewish themes and connections.
Lilith magazine has compiled a list of books they are excited to read in 2024.
Iraqi-American artist Michael Rakowitz has created an American Golem, a monument made from fragments of other monuments, as a way of reconstructing and redefining destructed cultural works.
The article discusses the enduring influence and significance of the play "The Dybbuk" by S. An-sky.
The article explores the fear and traditions surrounding Christmas among Jews.
The article discusses the emergence of the Yiddish Christmas Eve tradition, known as nitl nakht, as a popular phenomenon on social media in 2021.
The documentary "Murray Avenue: A Community in Transition" by filmmaker Sheila Chamovitz from 1983 captures the essence of Squirrel Hill, a Jewish neighborhood in Pittsburgh.
The article explores the dearth of scary Jewish children's literature beyond works by Eric A. Kimmel, known for his spooky tales like "Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins."
"The Silence of Malka" is a graphic novel set in a Jewish settlement in Argentina at the end of the 19th century, featuring a golem created to help a struggling farmer and his family.
The modern portrayal of golems in popular culture, such as in the game Pokmon GO, deviates from the traditional Jewish concept of a golem as a magically created servant under a kabbalist's control.
S. An-sky, the Belarus-born polymath also known as Shloyme Zanvl Rappoport, is not just known for his famous 1914 play "The Dybbuk", but also for his vast range of achievements in poetry, fiction, ethnography, and more.