Tag: Jewish History

Jules Rabin, a 100-year-old Jewish activist from Vermont, protested the war in Gaza on his 100th birthday, drawing parallels between the Palestinians' situation in Gaza and the Holocaust, a view not mainstream in Jewish thought.
Chaim Weizmann, a brilliant chemist and key figure in the founding of Israel, is often overlooked compared to Herzl and Ben-Gurion.
Rabbi Yitsy David, a Sephardic Jew, is working to promote and preserve the diverse heritage and culture of Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews in the UK, aiming to educate Jewish schools about their history and traditions.
Ruth Wisse discusses the rise of intense anti-Israel protests on college campuses, noting a shift away from previous calls for peace and a two-state solution.
The article discusses the significance of a class photo belonging to the author's grandfather, who survived the Holocaust, and his classmates who were mostly killed by the Nazis.
"The Tattooist of Auschwitz" is a TV series based on a bestselling novel, telling the story of Lali Sokolov in Auschwitz, particularly his love with Gita Furman.
Antisemitism has deep historical roots that have evolved over time, with Jews facing persecution and discrimination across different regions.
Renowned writer Paul Auster, known for his innovative blend of form, genre, and autofiction, passed away at the age of 77 due to complications from lung cancer.
Lahav Deri shares his harrowing experience of surviving the Nova massacre in a video discussing the aftermath of the tragic event.
The discussion on the legitimacy of Zionism, focusing on its historical context and religious perspectives, points out that with over seven million Jews living in Israel in 2024, the debates over its origins become less relevant.
Karla McCabe, the granddaughter of a German soldier in World War II, returned 36 postcards looted by her grandfather from the Chachmei Lublin Yeshiva in Poland to their rightful place more than 80 years later.
Exploring the role and perspective of Jewish individuals participating in current protests through the lens of Jewish history.
The essay discusses the author's experience in Israel after a period of heightened tensions, where many Israelis, including herself, have been plagued by anxious and "crazy" thoughts about potential threats and security measures.
The text narrates a visit to Biaystok, Poland, by the author, reflecting on their Jewish heritage and interactions during a Yiddish class at a private Jewish museum.
Tracy-Ann Oberman's production of "The Merchant of Venice 1936" brings a modern twist to Shakespeare's play, focusing on Shylock as a female character dealing with discrimination amid rising British fascism in the 1930s.
Jonah Hauer-King discusses his intense preparation for the role of Lale Sokolov in the series "The Tattooist of Auschwitz," emphasizing the responsibility he felt to do justice to the story of a Jewish prisoner who tattooed ID numbers on fellow inmates.
Yizkor is a communal memorial service held four times a year in Jewish synagogues, including Passover, reflecting on the memory of loved ones.
This week's episode of a Jewish podcast discusses the challenges involved in understanding Ancient Egypt's history, particularly the connection between Ancient Egyptian documentation and Egyptian idolatry.
The video discusses three insights into Jewish resilience throughout history, shared in honor of Passover.
Amidst a challenging year for Israel and rising antisemitism, the celebration of Pesach carries deeper significance as parallels are drawn between historical persecution and current events.
As Passover approaches, the heavy atmosphere of recent events weighs on many Jewish minds, with concerns ranging from anti-Semitism to conflicts in the Middle East.
Pesach's story of hope and redemption, as depicted in the Haggadah, has always been a source of strength for the Jewish people.
The text pays homage to the poet Paul Celan and reflects on the impact of the Holocaust.
The passing of Brooklyn Dodgers legend Carl Erskine marks the end of an era in Jewish and baseball history.
The video explores the history of failed attempts to establish Jewish states in locations such as ancient Babylonia, Yemen, New York, Uganda, Siberia, Poland, and Madagascar, highlighting the enduring connection of the Jewish people to the State of Israel.