Tag: Jewish Identity

Donniel Hartman and Sarah Breger discuss the connection between Jewish identity and Jewish values, exploring the strands of "Genesis Judaism" and "Exodus Judaism" and their impact on contemporary Jewish communal life.
Doikayt, a concept originating from the Jewish socialist movement, the Bund, emphasizes the importance of being rooted and at home where one currently resides.
The text delves into a reflective journey to Poland, exploring Jewish heritage and identity through the lens of poet Irena Klepfisz.
Blaze Bernstein's final texts before his tragic murder in January 2018 were revealed in court during the trial of Samuel Woodward, accused of the crime.
Alex Edelman's comedy special "Just For Us" explores themes of antisemitism, Jewish identity, and assimilation, with a focus on a Jewish comedian crashing a white supremacist meeting in Queens.
The late Rabbi Dr. Sidney Brichto, a strong advocate for Israel within Progressive Jewish circles, felt that the term Zionism had been so distorted by its opponents that it should be retired, as it had become a target for antisemitism.
The letters to the editor cover various topics.
This article discusses the internal struggles many Jews are facing this Pesach, with tensions around festivals like Purim and Simchat Torah in light of recent events in Israel.
The article delves into the evolution of Jewish masculinity over the years, touching upon historical figures such as Leonard Cohen and exploring the contemporary trend of male Jewish influencers embracing a rugged and masculine aesthetic.
The article discusses a campaign led by Western government-funded NGOs under the guise of human rights that targets Israel and the Jewish people, using tactics including delegitimization and demonization.
Seven Jewish anti-Zionist artists have withdrawn their works from the California Jewish Open exhibit at the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco in protest.
The author reflects on the contrast between their own safe upbringing in England and the challenges their children face growing up in Israel, where they are more immersed in Jewish life, involved with the country, and experience risks and traumas, yet develop resilience and a deep sense of religious and national responsibility.
Deborah Zoe Laufer's play "The Last Yiddish Speaker" presents a dystopian world where a Christian Nationalist surveillance state targets Jews, gays, and women, forcing a Jewish family to hide their identity and navigate dangerous circumstances.
Alex Edelman's comedy special "Just For Us" which is now premiering on HBO and Max, delves into Jewish identity, assimilation, and the challenges of fitting into a society where one may not always feel comfortable.
Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove describes a challenging experience where protesters accused him of being complicit in crimes against humanity due to his Jewish identity, despite his intention to speak on contemporary Jewish identity.
The YouTube video explores the connection between the Bene Menashe community in India and the tribe of Menashe, delving into their claims of descent from ancient Israel and the challenges they face in asserting their Jewish identity amidst ethnic violence and discrimination.
Actor Michael Douglas expresses a deepening spiritual and religious connection to Judaism, sharing insights on his Jewish heritage, particularly tracing back his family history with the help of the PBS show "Finding Your Roots."
Rabbi David Levin-Kruss engages with unaffiliated Jews struggling post-Oct.
Rabbi David Levin-Kruss discusses conversations with unaffiliated Jews post-Oct.
Following the vandalism incident where a red swastika was painted on the banner of a suburban Philadelphia synagogue, the author recounts reassuring her young children about the meaning of the symbol, the history of antisemitism, and the complexities of Jewish identity.
On the Schmuckboys podcast, Libby Amber Walker and Marla Friedson share their passion for helping Jews date within their community, tackling topics like Jewish matchmaking, LGBTQ dating challenges, and navigating relationships within close-knit Jewish circles.
The text discusses the current crisis facing liberal Zionism, with a focus on the challenges of balancing progressive values with the reality of Israel's policies towards Palestinians.
Stand Up NY, a renowned comedy club on the Upper West Side for 38 years, has relocated to Times Square inside the Italian restaurant Bond 45 to adapt to changing times post-COVID.
Matisyahu released a new music video for his song "Ascent," filmed in Israel at sites of tragic events like the Nova music festival massacre.
The Chief Rabbi and the United Synagogue are initiating a comprehensive review of Jewish schools in the UK to ensure they foster a deep love and understanding of Judaism in students, beyond just knowledge acquisition.