Tag: Jewish Identity

The article discusses the manipulation of language and historical narratives in the Palestinian propaganda complex to demonize Israel and the Jewish people.
The text discusses the importance of education in Jewish communities, particularly regarding Jewish identity, Zionism, and Israel education.
The text discusses the renaming of London's overground trainlines with no Jewish references, critiques rebranding efforts like Haringey Council and financial advisers Aberdeen, and addresses the renaming of the 73-year-old Jewish Book Week to "Jewish Literary Foundation presents Book Week" aimed at showcasing cultural aspects beyond literature.
Rachel Berlin Handloff, the executive director of 6 Points Specialty Camps, emphasizes the importance of Jewish summer camps for young adults amidst the rise in antisemitism.
Deborah Lipstadt, the State Department's antisemitism envoy, has noticed a rise in antisemitism, particularly in New York City, following global events.
Parents of young Jewish adults are grappling with their children's decisions to participate in Birthright Israel trips despite concerns about safety.
The article discusses common questions that Jews of color often encounter, such as assumptions about adoption, ethnicity, Hebrew language proficiency, conversion status, and familiarity with other Jews of color.
Jewish students are facing a resurgence of anti-Semitism on university campuses, with incidents causing fear and concern for physical safety.
Ruth Fein, a pioneering figure in the Boston Jewish community, passed away at the age of 96.
"One Day" on Netflix offers a fresh take on the familiar love story trope with its compelling characters and nostalgia factor.
Miriam Margolyes, the iconic Jewish actress known for her roles in Harry Potter and Call the Midwife, has released a new memoir called "Oh Miriam: Stories from an Extraordinary Life".
Recent and forthcoming books explore the growing opposition to Zionism among young activists, with discussions highlighting the generational and ideological divides within the Jewish community.
Rabbi Andy Bachman criticizes an anonymous op-ed calling for Jewish summer camps to address the Israeli-Palestinian conflict more directly, arguing that the piece lacks specificity and fails to acknowledge the nuanced approaches various camps take on the issue.
In the Apple TV+ series "Masters of the Air," the character Robert Rosie Rosenthal is introduced as a Jewish pilot who joins the fight against German Nazi forces during World War II.
The rise in antisemitism in the UK since October 7 is concerning, with implicit anti-Jewish attitudes being as damaging as explicit acts of hate.
The author reflects on the importance of Jewish comedians in shaping their Jewish identity and passing on humor through generations, highlighting comedy as a means for Jews to observe and comment on society with a unique perspective.
Peter Ellenstein, a Jewish theatre director and producer from LA, discovered he had 37 children after a daughter tracked him down as a sperm donor from the late 1980s and 1990s.
The writer discusses the personal evolution of their views on Israel, recounting experiences of conflict with friends holding anti-Israel sentiments.
The text explores the resilience of Ethiopian Jewish practice, highlighting the return to roots and demands of the younger generation, the mythologization of the Beta Israel community, the unique religious practices of the Haymanot, the impact of mass migration on the community, and the challenges faced in integrating into mainstream Jewish society in Israel.
Mark Breslin, founder of Yuk Yuk's comedy club, recently faced anti-Israel protestors at a fundraiser for Friends of the Israel Defense Forces in Toronto.
The text discusses the challenges of combatting antisemitism and negative attitudes towards Jews, particularly related to Israel.
The text discusses the author's participation in two actions at the Oakland Federal Building calling for an Israel-Gaza ceasefire, reflecting on Jewish identity, anti-Zionism, and solidarity with Palestinians.
Future of Jewish's "This Week In: What the hell is going on?" offers a satirical take on recent events in the Jewish world.
The article addresses the need for Jewish summer camps to have nuanced conversations about Israel and Palestine with campers.
The New Museum in New York is currently displaying Judy Chicago's Rainbow Shabbat, a famous artwork that symbolizes interfaith solidarity.