Tag: Jewish Identity

"Pollard," a four-part documentary series, explores the life and legacy of Jonathan Pollard, an American Jewish U.S. intelligence officer convicted in 1985 for selling classified information to Israel.
The article responds to a podcast discussion claiming that American Judaism is boring.
The author recounts their experience growing up in Hungary with a Jewish background that they were not aware of until their adolescence.
Orthodox fashion designer Elke Reva Sudin recently launched her luxury scarf collection, called the Crown Collection, at New York Fashion Week.
In her book of essays titled "The Wandering Womb: Essays in Search of Home," S.L. Wisenberg explores her lifelong struggle to belong and feel at home.
The author reflects on their visit to a historic synagogue constructed by their ancestors in Glasgow, emphasizing the connection between Jews and Israel throughout history.
Tsion Cafe, a popular Ethiopian-Israeli restaurant in Harlem, has recently become certified kosher and fully vegan.
The author reflects on a novel they wrote that features a Jewish protagonist facing persecution.
Robert Badinter, a prominent French figure known for his advocacy against the death penalty and his commitment to the values of liberty, equality, and fraternity, passed away recently.
The author reflects on the lack of understanding and explanation about why Judaism is remarkable, particularly outside of its religious and Zionist aspects.
@israelsowhite is a new Instagram account created by director Ben Younger that celebrates the diverse racial and ethnic heritage of Israelis and pokes fun at the idea that Israel is a settler colonialist state founded by white Europeans.
In "The Unfinished Business of Eadie Browne," author Freya North delves into her Jewish heritage for the first time in her 28-year career, exploring Jewish characters and values in a coming-of-age story.
The authors discuss the transformations happening in Jewish communal life in the face of recent crises, particularly in the aftermath of the attacks by Hamas in October 7.
A recent survey by JPR sheds light on the state of the Jewish community in Britain, revealing a dual narrative where a strictly Orthodox population maintains traditional practices alongside a more diverse group embracing cultural over religious identity.
Participants on Birthright Israel trips during the recent conflict in Israel found their visit to be a unique and invigorating experience.
The author reflects on their recent visit to Israel and the importance of listening and learning rather than making judgments.
The author expresses sympathy for the Conservative movement's dilemma regarding intermarriage, but argues that the movement's own actions and lack of emphasis on Torah observance have contributed to the high intermarriage rate among non-Orthodox Jews.
The author discusses her journey to reconnect with her Jewish identity, prompted by her son's questions about their Jewishness.
The author discusses five ways to effectively combat antisemitism.
In this article, the author discusses the perception and understanding of Zionism in Israel and around the world.
The article discusses the current global Jewish crisis and the need for educators to help mend the broken Jewish narrative for the next generation.
The author, an American Jew, initially left the US due to rising antisemitism under Trump and moved to Canada.
The first full trailer for the biopic Back to Black, portraying the life of Amy Winehouse, features scenes of the Jewish singer wearing a Star of David necklace, similar to the one she wore in real life.
The author reflects on their experiences attending funerals with their father in the 1970s in the Bronx, where they observed a sense of Jewish identity and cultural nostalgia among mourners.
The author reflects on their journey of learning Hebrew and the significance it holds for their Jewish identity.