Tag: Jewish Identity

Sheryl Sandberg reflects on her initial misjudgment of the response to antisemitism after witnessing the rescue of hostages in Israel by researching and creating a documentary called "Screams Before Silence" about the sexual violence inflicted on the captives.
MLB veteran Kevin Pillar, currently enjoying success with the L.A. Angels, reflects on his identity as a Jewish baseball player.
"Kafka," a limited series now streaming on ChaiFlicks, offers a fresh and deeply Jewish perspective on writer Franz Kafka, exploring his Jewish identity, relationships, and influences.
The increasing anti-Israel sentiment amidst Pride events is causing safety concerns for LGBTQ+ Jews, with fears of harassment and violence due to the recent conflict in Gaza.
The article discusses the evolution and challenges faced by Reform Judaism, particularly in the context of assimilation and changing attitudes towards Jewish practice.
In Northern Virginia's 10th District, a Democratic congressional primary between Jewish candidates Eileen Filler-Corn and Dan Helmer underscores the growing Jewish population in the area.
A survey conducted by the American Jewish Committee revealed that since October 7, over 40% of American Jews have felt unsafe wearing Jewish symbols in public, with a quarter choosing not to disclose their Jewish identity.
The documentary "Diane von Furstenberg: Woman in Charge" delves into the fashion icon's legacy intertwined with her mother's Holocaust survival, tracing von Furstenberg's journey from a career slump to her Jewish identity discovery.
Jewish Currents, a historically secular magazine, has introduced a commentary on the Torah portion in response to a growing alienation from mainstream Jewish institutions and a desire for spiritual connection among its community members, despite some objections.
The author reflects on feeling spiritually homeless while growing up in a mixed denominational Jewish environment in America.
As Israel continues to grapple with the aftermath of the Oct. 7 attacks, Jewish educators and communal professionals are experiencing a profound reconnection with the country.
Henry Winkler, known for his iconic role as the Fonz on "Happy Days," shares personal stories including his family's escape from Nazi Germany, struggles with dyslexia, and yearning for parental approval in his memoir "Being Henry: The Fonz and Beyond."
The essay discusses the issue of whitewashing Jews and challenges the misconception that all Jews are white.
The text discusses the issue of whether America is philosemitic or antisemitic, using the election of a Jewish woman, Claudia Sheinbaum, as President of Mexico as an example of how being Jewish may not be a barrier to leadership.
Montana Tucker discusses the importance of Jewish people supporting Israel and why she proudly embraces her Jewish identity.
The article discusses a recent walkout by Wing Luke museum staff in Seattle over an exhibit addressing redlining and discrimination, created by the Washington State Jewish Historical Society, the Black Heritage Society, and the Wing Luke Museum.
Montana Tucker discusses the challenges of being a proud Jew in the face of ignorance and conformism among Gen Z in a Youtube video.
Brothers Yarden and Elad Stefansky developed Giborey Israel, a line of action figures called G.I. Jews, inspired by real-life Israeli heroes like IDF soldiers and security forces.
"Goyhood" is Reuven Fenton's debut novel following the lives of twin brothers David and Marty Belkin from adolescence in New Moab, Georgia to middle age, where their divergent paths culminate in a road trip revealing family secrets.
The author reflects on their Jewish identity crisis, which started in their youth when questioning the meaning of Judaism, leading them to atheism due to perceived discrepancies in religious beliefs.
Music has a profound impact on healing and self-expression, especially for individuals navigating trauma or difficult experiences.
American artist Judy Chicago is showcasing her largest solo exhibition in London, focusing on her Jewish heritage and feminist perspective that challenge the traditional narratives in art and history.
In the 1990s, a significant shift occurred in American Jewish priorities where attention turned from external threats to internal challenges within the community.
The text discusses the author's journey from a progressive upbringing to questioning Israel's stance in the academic world.
The Israel parade on Fifth Avenue this year will emphasize solidarity and security over celebration, with the theme of "Bring them home" calling for the release of hostages held by Hamas.