Tag: Jewish Marriage

The text discusses the delicate balance between parental involvement and children's independence, particularly in the context of newlyweds and their families.
Paul McCartney, the beloved musician and former Beatle, has strong Jewish connections through his first wife, Linda Eastman, who hailed from a prominent Jewish family.
In chapter 8 of the story "Picture This," a young couple, Yonah and Estee, experience tension over money and differing perspectives on supporting each other's dreams.
While it's not necessary to have a rabbi officiate a wedding, there are advantages to doing so, as they can provide spiritual guidance and help couples connect to Jewish traditions and values.
Chapter 4 of "Picture This" depicts Yonah and Estee setting up their home together.
A concerned parent seeks advice on balancing their daughter's desire for a husband who prioritizes learning and religious observance with the practical need for him to have a job to support the family financially.
The Shiur titled "Everyone should be a shadchan – how to set up a shidduch" discusses whether everyone should be involved in setting up shidduchim and the challenges involved.
In Shiur 457, the discussion focuses on avoiding the main reason for divorce by maintaining connection with one's spouse throughout the course of a marriage.
This text tells the story of a woman named Adina who is trapped in her marriage and unable to obtain a get, a Jewish divorce document, from her husband.
The author reflects on the process of planning a wedding compared to the planning of an engagement, highlighting the detailed emphasis on the laws of engagement (kiddushin) in Jewish law.
This shiur discusses conflict in marriage and provides insights on how to fight effectively.
The author, Yael Lavie, shares her story of finding love and getting married later in life as a career journalist who had spent years covering war zones.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, the topic of intermarriage is discussed through the perspectives of individuals who have experienced it firsthand.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, a married couple named Aliza and Ephraim Bulow share their experience of navigating a religiously divergent marriage.
The Jewish Theological Seminary in Morningside Heights is hosting an exhibition titled "To Build a New Home: Celebrating the Jewish Wedding," showcasing various artifacts related to Jewish marriage throughout history.
Rabbi Gideon Black reflects on his experience working with Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks and emphasizes the important role played by Lady Elaine Sacks in supporting her husband's work.
Joe Biden, the current presidential candidate, is notable for having Jewish relatives through his children's marriages.
The text explores the misconceptions surrounding Jewish marriages in the past, challenging the notion that they were strictly utilitarian and devoid of love.
The text discusses the misconception that past Jewish marriages were primarily utilitarian, with strict gender roles.
The article discusses the challenges faced by young Jewish individuals within the Orthodox community in navigating the shidduch system, highlighting the struggles of a student named Rena and the limitations of relying solely on professional shadchanim to find a match.
Naomi Seidman's book, "The Marriage Plot: Or, How Jews Fell in Love with Love, and with Literature," explores the historical shift in Jewish marriage practices from arranged unions based on family interests to marriages founded on love and companionship.
The text revolves around the narrator’s deep relationship with Judaism, which evolves as she navigates marriage, divorce, and building a Jewish home.
In the discussion about the ideal Jewish marriage according to Rambam, different interpretations and approaches have emerged in modern times due to changing social realities.
Rabbi Elli Fischer's article challenges the authority of the Israeli Chief Rabbinate and its restrictive practices, highlighting personal experiences where halakhic restrictions clashed with modern interpretations.