Tag: Jewish Resilience

Diane Von Furstenberg, known for her iconic wrap dress, shares her story in the documentary "Diane von Furstenberg: Woman in Charge," reflecting on her Jewish heritage and the impact of her mother's survival of Auschwitz on her life.
Amidst the Israel-Gaza conflict, a surge in miluimot – women with children whose husbands are serving in the IDF as reservists – has been noted, with increased challenges due to longer, scarier wars where communication is often limited.
The article reflects on the Jewish people's historical struggles with external conflicts and internal turmoil, drawing parallels between the Israelites' journey in the wilderness and contemporary challenges.
Chanie Apfelbaum shares her story of overcoming tragedy and finding healing and purpose through cooking kosher cuisine in Brooklyn.
A woman shares her journey of feeling alone and angry at G-d after her divorce, but eventually finds healing, remarries, and empowers others to thrive.
"The Boy in the Woods" is a poignant film directed by Rebecca Snow, based on the memoir of Holocaust survivor Maxwell Smart, highlighting themes of resilience and remembrance.
The text discusses the concept of Jewish resilience throughout history, exploring various perspectives on why Jews have survived despite numerous challenges and adversities.
The Nova Music Festival Exhibit in Lower Manhattan commemorates the tragic event on October 7 where over 360 people were murdered during a music festival in Israel.
At a recent charity event, Henry Winkler and his daughter Zoe Winkler Reinis were honored for their philanthropic work, receiving The Workers Circles Generation to Generation Jewish Culture and Activism Award.
The essay discusses the author's experience in Israel after a period of heightened tensions, where many Israelis, including herself, have been plagued by anxious and "crazy" thoughts about potential threats and security measures.
The video discusses three insights into Jewish resilience throughout history, shared in honor of Passover.
The video features Dr. Moshe Katz, a 99-year-old Holocaust survivor, sharing life advice and stories of his escape from Hitler during World War 2.
As Passover approaches, the author grapples with celebrating the holiday while hostages remain captive in Gaza for over six months.
Dr. Henry Abramson discusses how Jewish communities historically responded to tragedies with creativity and innovation, citing examples such as the establishment of synagogues after the Churban in 70 CE and the codification of the Mishnah after the Bar Kochba revolt.
"The Counterfeit Countess" recounts the remarkable story of Janina Mehlberg, a Jewish mathematician who impersonated a Polish countess to save over 10,000 mainly Polish camp inmates during World War II.
The rise in antisemitism in the UK since October 7 is concerning, with implicit anti-Jewish attitudes being as damaging as explicit acts of hate.
In 1614, the Jews in Frankfurt faced antisemitic persecution led by Vincenz Fettmilch but were quickly restored to their homes and rights.
In the midst of Ukraine's ongoing war, Ukrainian Jews, like 17-year-old Sonia Bunina, continue to show resilience and determination.
The new Judaica gallery at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston showcases exquisite objects reflecting Jewish resilience and dedication to beauty across continents and centuries.
The Lonka Project, a collaboration between 311 photographers in 35 countries, has created a visual record of the last living Holocaust survivors.
"Across So Many Seas" is a new novel by Ruth Behar that tells the story of four generations of Sephardic Jewish girls longing for freedom and struggling to navigate the world without losing touch with their Judaism.
In this article, the author reflects on the different forms and long history of anti-Semitism, highlighting that throughout the centuries, Jew-hatred has taken various cultural, religious, racial, and nationalist guises.
In this article, the author discusses how studying the Exodus story in the Torah has provided them comfort and a sense of reclaiming safety in the face of contemporary antisemitism and threats facing Israel and the Jewish people.
The author, a Native woman from Peru, expresses her opinion on the situation in Israel, highlighting what she perceives as a double standard in the way people respond to violence committed by Hamas versus Israel.
A video clip has been received by The Forward showing an Israeli reserve soldier singing The Partisan Hymn, a famous Yiddish fighting song, while inside a tank on the northern front of Israel.