Tag: Jewish Soldiers

The Sir Martin Gilbert Learning Centre in London has initiated a program to teach Jewish history in non-Jewish schools, with over 1,000 students benefiting from lectures and online resources.
Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon, a respected posek, educator, and community rabbi who interacts with soldiers, shares insights on halachic dilemmas faced by soldiers during wartime.
Rabbi Shlomo Sobol, a prominent figure in the Jewish community, addresses various challenges faced by congregants during wartime, including soldiers' dilemmas about weddings, honesty with parents, and questions of faith.
During the American Civil War from 1861 to 1865, Jews, though a minority in the population, played a significant role with approximately 10,000 Jewish men serving on both the Union and Confederate sides.
The article discusses the release of a video depicting the kidnapping of female IDF soldiers by Hamas, drawing parallels to historical Jewish tragedies.
Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv suggested that in ancient times, one person studying Torah was considered enough spiritual protection for a soldier, while today it might require ten Torah students per soldier.
The video provides corrections, questions, and omissions related to various aspects of WWI history, such as the political affiliations of figures like Churchill, the perspectives of Jewish citizens, and the military roles of Jews in German-occupied Poland.
The author discusses the concept of providing zechusim, or spiritual merits, for soldiers during war.
This article shares the story of Bentzi Goldman, who owns a delivery company and decided to use his company to help Israeli soldiers during the war.
In this episode, Linda Gradstein, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron discuss various topics, including Israeli ministers and MKs being drowned out by protestors when speaking overseas.
In this discussion, Linda Gradstein, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron talk about the challenges faced by Israeli ministers and MKs when speaking overseas and reflect on a historical event where sixteen Jewish soldiers were killed by fellow Jewish soldiers in Israel's early days.
"I Wanted to Be a Man With a Gun" is a documentary film by Bill Farley that explores the experiences of three American soldiers, Paul Mico, Harold Kozloff, and Leo Litwak, who fought in World War II.
In the article "Moving Out of Town," Rabbi Simon Taylor discusses the correlation between both parents working outside the home and parents being less involved in the household.
Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter discusses the issue of Jewish soldiers in World War II being buried under Christian gravestones in military cemeteries.
Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter, a historian at Yeshiva University, discusses the issue of many Jewish soldiers being buried under Christian gravestones shaped like crosses in military cemeteries.
During the Nazi regime in Germany, thousands of full Jews and over a hundred thousand part-Jews joined the military of the Third Reich.
"Sons and Soldiers" by Bruce Henderson tells the stories of German-Jewish soldiers who escaped the Third Reich to become combat interrogators for the U.S. Army during WWII, providing crucial intelligence and aiding in Allied victory.
During World War I, a significant number of Jews served in various armies, leading to instances of Jews fighting against fellow Jews.