Tag: Jewish Values

Dr. Yuval Bitton, a former dentist in Israel's Nafcha Prison, saved the life of Yahya Sinwar, who later became the leader of Hamas in Gaza.
Jewish individuals gather monthly to observe Shabbat outside the Falls Church Healthcare Center in Northern Virginia, where abortion services are provided.
Louisiana recently passed a law mandating the display of the Ten Commandments in every classroom of public schools and colleges, making it the only state with such a requirement.
In this Bintel Brief article, a bride-to-be seeks advice on whether she is obligated to invite her friend's boyfriend, whom she dislikes, to her wedding.
In addressing the growing issue of social isolation and loneliness highlighted by Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, the Jewish community can draw on the wisdom of Hillel's teaching to not separate oneself from the community.
The book "Reclaiming Dignity: A Guide to Tzniut for Men and Women" explores the concept of tzeniut (modesty) from various perspectives, beyond just clothing, as a mitzvah and character trait.
Social media presents a significant challenge in maintaining modesty, especially in terms of self-promotion and sharing personal content.
The text explores the concept of tzenius (modesty) and its implications for communal leaders, particularly focusing on the multifaceted nature of tzenius in Jewish thought.
Rabbi Jacob Blumenthal reflects on the Jewish value of equity and the miracle of creation, emphasizing that although humans are made in the same image, we are all unique individuals with diverse qualities and talents.
In a sponsored post on Jewish values by Rabbi David Jaffe and Yehudah Webster, the ongoing practice of justice and equity is highlighted as fundamental in Judaism, emphasizing the Torah's instructions to care for the vulnerable, share resources, and oppose oppression.
The text discusses the author's experience of caring for their sick father, who was once a survivor of Nazi Europe and Stalinist communism.
The author expresses concern over a phenomenon within the Charedi Yeshiva world that emphasizes full-time Torah study to the exclusion of other pursuits, leading to a lack of appreciation for individuals who choose to combine Torah study with work or secular studies.
The article discusses how Torah, while considered an elixir of life when approached correctly, can become a deadly poison when misinterpreted or misapplied.
Rabbi Amanda Schwartz reflects on the importance of service learning in Jewish education as a means to instill Jewish values and create mensches.
"No Labeling Anyone a Bad Jew" discusses the diversity within the contemporary Jewish community, exploring various perspectives on Jewish identity and the relationship with Israel.
The text discusses the author's concerns about Jews who exhibit anti-Israel sentiments, support causes like Jews for Justice in Palestine, and sympathize with Palestinian suffering without acknowledging Israeli suffering.
A reader seeks advice from a Bintel Brief regarding a noisy neighbor in an assisted living facility who disrupts their sleep with a loud TV.
Brazilian Jewish chef David Hertz is utilizing food as a tool for social change in Brazil.
Jewish students at Columbia University and other campuses are engaging in protests against the mass deaths in Gaza, with a focus on upholding Jewish values of justice and human rights.
The article discusses the contemporary crisis of trust in leaders across political, corporate, and religious spheres, emphasizing the need for a new attitude towards leadership.
The writer grapples with the struggle of balancing values as she navigates interactions with her off-the-derech sister in her home.
Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman, president of the Shalom Hartman Institute, discusses in his book "Who Are the Jews And Who Can We Become" the two strands of Jewish life: Genesis Judaism, focusing on belonging to a group, and Exodus Judaism, based on commandments and values.
Joe Lieberman, the first Jewish candidate on a major party's presidential ticket, was remembered at his funeral as a politician admired for his integrity and bipartisanship.
The text discusses why the Israeli army, particularly the IDF, is known for its humanitarian efforts, especially in conflict situations like the recent Israel-Hamas conflict.