Tag: Jewish Values

Noah Efron, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Don Futterman discuss the inclusion of progressives in a new version of AIPAC, the creation of an ultra-Orthodox Wikipedia called Ha-Michlol, aimed at encompassing Jewish and secular topics, and the launch of MINE, a website for buying and selling designer clothes to promote affordability and sustainability.
Jewish organizations are at the forefront of advocating for greater inclusion of people with physical and cognitive disabilities in all spheres of life, particularly in the performing arts.
Confectionery! in New York City's East Village features a Mitzvah Wall where customers can pre-purchase treats for individuals facing challenges, exemplifying the concept of paying it forward in Jewish tradition.
In response to President Trump's Executive Order on immigration, the podcast team at "Unorthodox" felt compelled to share their reflections on how the order contradicts Jewish values and their own immigrant experiences.
"Values Investing" by Jonathan Gross discusses the moral lessons found in the investment advice of Warren Buffett, reflecting on concepts such as honesty and respect in both finance and Torah.
A father, Yosef Steinberg, grapples with his daughter's shift towards ultra-Orthodox values and away from secular literature, reflecting on his own background in Russian literature and Judaism.
Rabbi Sharon Brous explains her decision to vote for President Obama, urging thoughtful Jewish voters to consider two key points regardless of personal opinions: not to base their vote on unfounded fears regarding Obama's support for Israel, as his actions demonstrate strong backing for the country, and not to dismiss significant policy differences between Romney and Obama, highlighting Romney's shifting stances and the potential impact of conservative influences.
Hebrew Union College (HUC), the largest religious denomination in American Judaism, has been facing financial challenges in recent years.
Rabbi Joshua Berman examines the lack of emotional connection many feel towards Tisha B'Av and the concept of mourning the destruction of the Temple.