Tag: Jewish Values

The article explores the different experiences that two hypothetical twin daughters, Adi and Sophie, have in college and how it shapes their thinking and identity.
In this article, the author reflects on the current state of LGBTQ rights in the U.S. and the need to continue fighting for equality.
This article is a response to Paul O'Brien, the executive director of Amnesty International USA, who stated that American Jews don't want Israel to be a Jewish state, but rather a safe Jewish space.
The symposium discusses the concept of Torah u-Madda (Torah and secular studies) in the Modern Orthodox community and its evolving meaning.
Rabbi Seth Winberg argues that getting drunk during Purim is dangerous and not a mitzvah.
The article discusses the challenges facing the Jewish people, such as the impact of the Enlightenment, the struggles of assimilation, the rise of nationalism, and the threats posed by industrialization and technological advancements.
In this episode of the Jewish Lives Podcast, Julian Zelizer discusses Abraham Joshua Heschel and his journey from being a Hasidic rabbi in Warsaw to becoming a progressive Jewish icon.
The article discusses the best Jewish children's books of 2021.
NCSY's Jewish Student Union (JSU) is a network of culture clubs for Jewish public school teens in the US and Canada, impacting around 12,000 teens annually.
The Jewish farming movement is growing, with Jews across the US and the UK finding a deeper connection to their Jewishness through farming.
The text explores the question of whether there are dangers involved in our love affair with music, specifically secular music.
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted Hebrew schools, leading to changes in teaching approaches, smaller classes, and shorter virtual sessions.
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, who passed away in November 2020, was known for his contributions to various contemporary issues such as Jewish identity, anti-Semitism, Israel, family, and more.
The author reflects on the concept of kavod, or honor, in Jewish communal life.
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, a beloved teacher and mentor, had a profound impact on many people, including the author Nathan J. Diament.
In this editorial, Jodi Rudoren emphasizes the importance of empathy and unity in the midst of political polarization and division, urging against gloating and demonizing others based on political differences.
The article provides a selection of Jewish-themed books about summer camp for kids of different ages.
"The Vale of Tears" is a Holocaust memoir by Rav Pinchas Hirschprung, who was a rabbi in a small town in southeastern Poland during World War II.
Craig Newmark, the philanthropic founder of Craigslist, is taking action during the pandemic, particularly concerned about the rise of online antisemitism and bigotry.
In 2019, a notable amount of 27 Holocaust books for kids and teens were published, prompting a reflection on the dominating presence of Holocaust narratives in Jewish literature, overshadowing other aspects of Jewish identity.
Progressive Jewish organizations, including Truah and J Street, are advocating for Jews across the U.S. to show solidarity with immigrant communities on Tisha B'Av as a response to the current treatment of immigrants by the U.S. government.
Holly Blue Hawkins, head of a chevra kadisha in California, offers insights gleaned from her 20 years in this burial society, emphasizing lessons on living learned from caring for the dead.
The text discusses three main topics at the General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America: the impact of Canary Mission on critics of Israel, the use of Jewish values to justify various political positions, and the resurgence of non-Zionist Jewish cultural creativity in America.
Allison, Don, and Noah participate in discussions at the General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America, covering topics like the impact of the Canary Mission, which exposes critics of Israel, on Jewish Americans.
The author reflects on the concept of opportunity cost introduced during an economics class in college and how it applies to various life choices, such as academic achievements, social activities, and professional goals, using the framework of Jewish teachings like Mesillat Yesharim by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto.