Tag: Jewish Voice For Peace

Antisemitic violence in Canada has been on the rise, with Jewish institutions facing vandalism like shootings and arson.
Holocaust survivor Rene Lichtman, well-known for sharing his experiences, was removed from speaking at a Holocaust museum after protesting Israel's military actions in Gaza.
The essay discusses how some Western organizations, including Jewish Voice for Peace, openly support terrorism, such as honoring convicted terrorists like Rasmea Odeh and Marwan Barghouti.
The Reconstructionist Rabbinical College's recent ordination ceremony highlighted divisions within the movement regarding Israel, as tensions surrounding Israel's actions, particularly in Gaza, have led to internal struggles.
Young Jewish teens are increasingly critical of Israel, with differences in views on Israel's actions and policies widening between older and younger generations.
The Reconstructionist Rabbinical College has seen a significant number of students expressing anti-Zionist views, causing distress and departure for some students who felt isolated and silenced in expressing support for Israel.
The author, a young Zionist, initially believed that anti-Zionist Jews disliked being Jewish, but her perspective changed when she lived in a Jewish student dormitory with members of anti-Zionist groups like Jewish Voice for Peace and Students for Justice in Palestine.
In a rare move, the pro-Palestinian encampment at Cornell University disbanded without arrests or deals typically seen at other schools, where police involvement or agreements with protesters have been common.
The article discusses a recent protest by pro-Palestinian students at Columbia University's Hamilton Hall and highlights the concerns and fears of Jewish, Zionist students like the author.
Colleges, including Northwestern University and Rutgers University, have made agreements with pro-Palestinian protesters to dismantle encampments on campus, sparking a divide within the Jewish community.
Pro-Palestinian encampments at universities, including Northwestern, are closing after making deals with college administrations, sparking a divide within the Jewish community.
During the recent police clearing of pro-Palestinian protesters at Columbia University, it was revealed that over 25% of the 112 arrested individuals at Hamilton Hall were not affiliated with the university.
Rabbi Menachem Creditor reiterated his request for his song, Olam Chesed Yibaneh, not to be sung by anti-Israel activists, expressing distress after the song was used by a group at Yale University.
Some Jewish students at the University of Southern California (USC) are questioning their safety and place on campus after the university canceled graduation ceremonies due to anti-Israel protests.
Following USC's cancellation of graduation events amidst Israel-related protests, Jewish students at the University of Southern California are feeling unsettled and scrutinizing their position on campus amid heightened tensions.
The Marquette University chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine set up a memorial for the victims of the Gaza conflict on campus, which was later desecrated by three individuals unaffiliated with the university.
Pro-Palestinian protests inspired by Columbia University's example have spread to colleges across the United States, leading to confrontations and arrests, with some incidents turning violent.
"Future of Jewish" is a newsletter discussing various events in the Jewish world, including rising anti-Israel sentiments and incidents like desecration at a Jewish deli in Toronto, protests against Israel in universities, and biased views against Israel on social media platforms.
Pro-Palestinian activists claimed success in New York's Democratic primary by urging voters to submit blank ballots in protest against President Joe Biden's support for Israel, though the exact number of protest votes is uncertain.
Pitzer College's decision to no longer pre-approve its students to study abroad at Haifa University sparked debate about the influence of BDS activists.
Israeli strike that resulted in the killing of seven aid workers in Gaza has spurred varied reactions among American Jewish organizations.
Columbia University is investigating an event where speakers expressed support for Palestinian terror groups and encouraged armed resistance against Israel.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has initiated a new partnership with Chabad on Campus to combat antisemitism.
Columbia University is contemplating reinstating its chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace, which were suspended in November 2023 for violating campus rules with unauthorized events involving threatening rhetoric.
Reject AIPAC, a coalition of left-leaning groups, was launched as a response to American Israel Public Affairs Committee's (AIPAC) influence in Congress and its spending to diminish critics of Israel, particularly in Democratic primaries.