Tag: Jewish Voice For Peace

Graduates of the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School in Rockville, Maryland, have written an open letter stating that their education was characterized by false narratives about Israel.
The author recounts their personal experience of witnessing Jewish speakers promoting the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel from the pulpit of their Conservative synagogue.
In response to a congressional hearing, Jewish and pro-Israel groups are grappling with questions about what constitutes a call for genocide and how it should be punished.
More than 500 people gathered in Columbus Circle in Manhattan on the first night of Hanukkah to call for a cease-fire in Israel's war against Hamas in Gaza.
Protests in the United States in support of Hamas and against Israel have been receiving funding from powerful progressive donors.
Pro-Palestinian protesters gathered outside Columbia University in New York to protest the university's suspension of Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace.
Columbia University has suspended two student clubs, Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace, for repeatedly violating university policies related to holding campus events.
The article discusses the recent protests against Israeli violence in Gaza and highlights the problematic response from some Jews who declared that the protesters were not Jewish.
Around 300 protestors were arrested at the U.S. Capitol in October 2023 during a demonstration opposing Israel's war in Gaza and calling for a ceasefire.
A researcher at the Anti-Defamation League, Stephen C. Rea, resigned in response to the organization's CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt, criticizing American Jews protesting Israel's actions in Gaza.
Thousands of activists, including IfNotNow and Jewish Voice for Peace, gathered at the Capitol building to protest US support for Israel during the Gaza war.
On October 18, 2023, more than 1,500 progressive Jews gathered at Farragut Square near the White House to call for a cease-fire in Gaza.
The author discusses the recent violence in Israel/Palestine and emphasizes that Jewish grief should not be used as a justification for more violence.
Leading Palestinian advocacy groups in the United States are calling on lawmakers to address the root cause of the violence between Israel and Palestine, which they argue is the Israeli occupation.
Hundreds of protesters, including Jewish organizations, gathered outside the Israeli consulate in New York City for an Emergency Rally for Gaza.
In this article, Rob Eshman discusses the response of the American Jewish left, particularly groups like IfNotNow and Jewish Voice for Peace, to recent events involving Hamas attacks on Israel.
The author describes their experience as a Jewish student at Columbia University.
This article highlights the life and activism of Shatzi Weisberger, a 92-year-old Jewish activist who became an online sensation during the protests against anti-Black violence after the murder of George Floyd.
George Washington University has cleared the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapter and its leader of any wrongdoing in an incident where anti-Zionist posters were placed outside the Hillel building on campus.
A new survey from the Pew Research Center reveals that young Americans hold less favorable views of Israelis and more favorable views of Palestinians compared to older Americans.
In this opinion piece, the author expresses her shock and anger at activists who are calling for the globalizing of the intifada, viewing it as a demand for violence rather than peace.
Activists from the Deadly Exchange campaign are planning to celebrate a victory after the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) acknowledged a pause in its facilitation of American police training in Israel since 2019.
During a speech at the American Muslims for Palestine convention, Zahra Billoo, head of the Council on American-Islamic Affairs (CAIR) San Francisco office, warned Muslims who support Palestinian rights to be cautious when working with Jewish organizations that support Israel.
During the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas, pro-Palestinian advocacy groups such as IfNotNow and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) saw a significant increase in their social media followers.
The author recounts their experience with rising antisemitism in their hometown of Durham, North Carolina, particularly related to the campaign called Deadly Exchange, which blames Israel for policing issues in the US.